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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. That red stripe is far too large.
  2. No flaw. Just sexcellent posts.
  3. Go get those tires with the little red stripe on em'.
  4. Look at some of the badass cars they already produce. http://www.tatamotors.com/
  5. + Rep for such nice observations.
  6. Just in case anyone wasn't aware. I love the show. I believe it is on from 8 - midnight tonight and then you can catch the rest of the times from there.
  7. Took too long to load. Negative rep tit points.
  8. Sweet post. Rep points awarded.
  9. LOL. Fuckin' awesome. Smaller scale love returned.
  10. Umm...not really. They began discussing it awhile ago, but they weren't sold 6 months ago.
  11. Damn...that Supra gets goin' again quiiiiick even after poppin' all the damn way up.
  12. Been in the works for awhile. About time they just sold em'.
  13. Yeah. All of the noobs are going to have high coolness ratings because they need them to get in. Meanwhile, I am sitting here in the blue.
  14. Just prep it perfectly and ask em for 18 coats of clear so you can wet sand their fuck ups off.
  15. Looks like road tar....
  16. I'd say the only way you will get anywhere even remotely close to that price is by doing all the body work yourself, taping the fucker up, and droppin' her off at Maaco.
  17. http://www.theroundhouse.ws/Wheel_Medic_Inc.html
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