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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/6458/womenjp0.jpg
  2. The last angle in the clip of the place coming down is fucking insane. Nasty vid.
  3. http://oneftroad.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/trucknomnom.jpg
  4. Ok, they moved the celebration. If you don't believe me, ask the Pope.
  5. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee jays
  6. I agree. Something looks odd about it...like the wheel is too small. Even thought I know it isn't.
  7. I like the white. I also don't understand the point in powdercoating nice chrome wheels black....but hey...call me old-fashioned.
  8. Pimpity pimp sauce. I am diggin' the SS more every day.
  9. Maybe show a little class? Boone's Farm is fucking lame. Bud Light is there to impress.
  10. I gained a lot of respect for Martin after reading this thread. Dude took the mother load of bashing.....16+ pages....and still stuck around. It is like initiation. Don't cry about it ricer.
  11. They moved it this year.
  12. Wing isn't the worst they make...slick car man. Wish I could... Let me know if you want to give me the engine. GL with the sale.
  13. I thought it was yesterday?
  14. Yes, you are gay if you suck your own cock. Yes, you are gay if you must post a thread wanting reassurance for wanting to suck your own cock.
  15. I believe all IQ tests I am forwarded to through Ebaums.
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