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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. I doubt that will be totalled. Glad you're okay.
  2. I know. These next three years I am going to experience mass quantities of maturing to get to the level you're at.
  3. This forum sucks now. It is like God/ThorneRants/Political shit. I'm taking my Night Crew banner back.
  4. Another thread of birth control I will pop in my bottle o' knowledge.
  5. Not everyone drinks YägódaManPǔs because it is emo beer. I wanna be "different".
  6. I have not eaten since noon today and have been in the library writing a paper for 4 hours. Basically, fuck you. FUCK YOU. That looks delicious. Fuck. You.
  7. Have heard good things about this when sprayed into where the air enters the heater. http://www.amazon.com/Ozium-Professional-Sanitizer-Original-aerosol/dp/B000BQWJN4 Little cheaper than an ozone machine.
  8. Piss. Save me one until June for our bar.
  9. Thread reported for threatening behavior.
  10. Throw up in the whip man....emergency call.
  11. Were they enzyme based cleaners? That is what you need. Sounds like you tried most everything though. GL
  12. Another thing you could try if the smell continues to hang around you can reclean it using an enzyme based cleaner. It will actually attack the bacteria causing the smell. Commonly used in getting rid of pet odors. Something like this: http://www.jondon.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=2615 Just suggestions, not trying to shit on the thread.
  13. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy better. But like a broken record, those wheels still suck.
  14. BTW props to Antwon for dealing with cleaning up puke. One of the nastiest things to clean, especially out of crevices in a vehicle. :barf:
  15. I still cannot use the quick reply feature....on any computer...on IE or Firefox. I believe it stopped working after I came back from my 3 day vacation for drunk posting. Is this something that can be disabled? Thank you.
  16. $200+ I don't know if Andy has one or not. May want to check if it is THAT bad. Throw up smell should go away if it is just in the carpet. If the smell got into your vents and shit is stuck there, then you will probably need one to get it out. It is one of the only ways I know of to get something like cigarette smell out after it gets into the vents. But that is way worse than throw up as far as lingering smells. Good luck.
  17. Probably gonna need an ozone generator to get that nasty ass smell out.
  18. .....I beat you at beer pong? You would have $100.
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