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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Did you tell them Michigan sucks?
  2. LOL. I like your car, but this thread failed hard.
  3. On second thought, it kind of sounds like a bad idea to wear a helmet.
  4. I am still doing good. Nice 70 degree day on campus. Tittays.
  5. "Sku-doo"? What the hell? I have never heard of that in my life. We used to go out to Colorado every year and ride snowmobiles with family friends who have been riding for over 10 years and they all say "ski-doo" if that means anything.
  6. I would giggle if I saw you on the highway, but better safe than sorry I guess. -http://boards.buffalobills.com/images/smilies/giggity.gif
  7. Over 24 hours and still the coolest thing out right now.
  8. http://boards.buffalobills.com/images/smilies/giggity.gif
  9. I wouldn't want you to hold that burden. http://boards.buffalobills.com/images/smilies/giggity.gif
  10. Yes. I lead these icons to my desktop. This does not mean I know how or why.
  11. Hmm...I have never heard of 3/20. It only makes sense that since Valentine's Day is Feb. 14th it would be March 14th.
  12. It has been roughly 22 hours since I saw this, and it is still the coolest thing I have ever seen. http://autopia.org/forum/images/smilies/ohnoes.gifhttp://autopia.org/forum/images/smilies/ohnoes.gifp
  13. Roger that. Just curious as I have been seeing the last couple of days. Thanks.
  14. No porn here. A lot of Photoshop and Word documents being used lately. Don't get where it comes from though. Oh wells.
  15. Should I delete it? Or just let it be until it goes away.
  16. One keeps popping up on my desktop all the time now. Virus? Or from Microsoft Word? http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a6/qwik5o/Thumb.jpg
  17. ..or big tractor tires. I know I'm helpful.
  18. http://autopia.org/forum/images/smilies/ohnoes.gif
  19. Wrong. Some queers tried to make an online petition making March 20th Steak and BJ Day. It is March 14th. It only makes sense. http://www.steakandbjday.com March 14....not 20.
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