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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. I don't know if you got a chance to read what I posted above, but they do take care of this.
  2. I don't know if you got this out of what I wrote as I had to be kind of vague, but this is an existing business Austin. They franchise out and people deliver the propane to commercial as well as residential businesses. The problem lies within getting the business idea out to residential consumers who seem to be either A. not interested or B. don't know it exists. The customers they do get are thoroughly satisfied as they hold a very high retention rate. But, it seems the word does not spread, or does not spread rapidly enough. Radio and television have not netted them the sales they would like to see from these high costs. So, the fact of the matter is that this idea is not spreading as much as they would like to see to keep up with the commercial growth the franchisees can get. I do like the idea of the heaters though. Are those prevalently used? Would they use more than one tank whilst renting the heaters? BTW - this is not in Ohio. Just in case you feel like you are giving me information that could transfer to competition for your stepfather's business. But, much like your stepfather's tank, they only structure these franchises around the fill stations they currently have in place around the country.
  3. By the way, only a few places do this so competition is not really a problem right now. However, from the owner's mouth, competition could actually help the business because the word would be spread more that this service is even available.
  4. Yeah. Usually the 20lb. tanks used for grilling and mosquito magnets. Except now some of the larger grills became approved for the 30lb. tanks. They will deliver 20lb, 30lb, or 40lb. I am not sure what the 40lb is used for except outdoor patio heating.
  5. This place called Body Masters in Canal Winchester did a FANTASTIC job on removing rust from our van for a crazy awesome price about 5 years ago. He did some recent body work on my Mustang and it was great as well. I am sure a lot of places do it but that is the only one I have experience with. Quite the distance from your though.
  6. Now we can smoke crappy Cuban cigars for reasonable prices.
  7. I think it looks 100x better than the ugly ass Veyron.
  8. I am doing a pretty deep industry/business analysis for a "business cluster" I am in here at Ohio University entailing marketing, management, professional business communication, and finance. We are employed in groups and are focusing on a live business situation. In this case it is the growing business of these propane delivery services. Our main focus is the Northern California region from Monteray and north. If some of you could take a minute out of your day to answer some of my questions that would be awesome. No, you are not doing work for me. This is more in the form of a potential consumer survey as I am not aware of a service like this in Ohio. This puts you in the category of a potential consumer which is the goal. Keep in mind, the goal here is to expand the residential market of the delivery service. Commercial accounts are a breeze for this company to obtain, especially with the cool weather in NorCal. If you could answer all or a few of the following questions I would appreciate it immensely: 1. Would you be interested in a propane delivery service for approx. $17-25? The propane would be delivered, old tank removed, and new tank hooked up whether you were home or away. If so, why? Would it make your life easier? If not, why? Do you find it easier to do yourself? 2. Where would you expect to find out about a service like this? (I know personally I never have until this project) Customer referrals from friends and neighbors? Radio? Television? (expensive for company/may not meet cost/benefit) Basically, where do you see a service such as propane delivery catching your eye? 3. Do you know of any markets where similar products have teamed up to market together? For example, propane tanks and mosquito magnets. Anything similar to this would be great. Not pizza and subs, but yet two products that could go in conjunction. My research as not netted me any real-world examples I can work with. 4. (More opinion) Do you see any underlying problems with a service like this? Any thoughts on why it would be difficult to spread business like this through a residential atmosphere? Once the customer is obtained the retention rate is VERY HIGH and the customer satisfaction is VERY HIGH. So why do you think the service does not spread? Propane is something people rarely think about until they run out, as most of you probably know. Should the word simply be put into the consumers minds more? Thank you for any time you spend on this. It is greatly appreciated. PS. Due to confidentiality, I cannot answer any specific questions pertaining to the business. Just an FYI.
  9. I never said Chuck doesn't have a ground game. But do you ever see him need to use it? Not often. He is a master at defending the take down. I am not saying Kimbo is on his level, but with his speed and size he could be able to get there. You are looking at a "young" fighter in the sense of sanctioned events. He has alot of room to grow.
  10. People ALWAYS say "no ground game" when it comes to people entering the UFC. Kimbo is a fucking beast. He breaks people's faces for a living and has done it all his life. He is a big boy and quick as hell. Look at Chuck Liddell. Chuck has the most awkward fighting style and has made a career on punching like a brick wall and simply defending against the ground game. I think Kimbo could be similar to this and maybe even better as he looks twice as fast as someone like Chuck Liddell.
  11. You're going to shoot him? Quoted so you can't edit the threat. http://www.giveupalready.com/images/smilies/banplz.gif
  12. Quit threatening to ban. Threats are not tolerated here. :grin2:
  13. I love how you make fun of them for what they did, yet you left the key in the car and left it unlocked. Brilliant!
  14. Your Camaro could be the Knight Rider car with a little red light inserted into that hood scoop.
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