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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Wow. Good thing. This movie looked hilarious on previews.
  2. They are crackin' down man. Can't even touch a torrent or downloading program here at OU without getting sued. Sucks.
  3. Felt the same way. Fuck heights.
  4. Keep the black wheels. LOL at the siding fix. Looks much better.
  5. http://www.break.com/index/crazy-kid-does-pull-ups-off-crane.html I guess this is legit. Fuckin' insane people.
  6. Kevin R.

    about amadmotorman

    All I know is he said "gay" about 10 times in his first post.
  7. Kevin R.

    about amadmotorman

    Who the fuck are either of you?
  8. http://www.olavsplates.com/foto/irl_01-oy-479.jpg
  9. I am not gonna lie, watched the whole thing. The one where he cuts his dick and hatches the balls is worse. Link to that? I wanna show more people and scar em.
  10. One of my good friends has an SS and had the transmission go out within the first 10,000 miles without hard driving. I couldn't imagine what mods will do to it, unless his was simply flawed.
  11. Got some stomach virus last week. DayQuil rocks.
  12. Kevin R.


    Marlboro Lights or Camel Lights. I smoked hookah a couple times but most the time I would rather have a beer and a cigarette.
  13. Trufff. The programs kinda suck.
  14. Why, oh why, can't I have money? Bumpity for a HELL of a deal.
  15. That blue one actually looked pretty damn good. (not the chic, the car)
  16. Or hypothetically tie him up and cut my sisters face off his arm.
  17. Yessir. Not a super super desirable car to be honest. Still nice though.
  18. Wow. My dumbass went to that page and never scrolled down. THANK YOU!
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