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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. T-Pain has a song about how he got HIV. True story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e_vAm99nWM
  2. Same thing I always think about.
  3. Kevin R.


    Wow....a little late.
  4. It is more believable that he was holding the money. Fucked up none the less.
  5. Kevin R.

    What the gay?

    Don't they just go in there after a certain period of time??
  6. I would like to see the Packers go all the way, wishful thinking.
  7. Agree. If you give em' the old trucker signals they are usually pretty good with it.
  8. Triple and this. http://images.heaven666.org/images/eyebrow-tattoo.jpg
  9. PS. That was not directed at your mother.
  10. I tattooed my dick in her ass.
  11. Doesn't dry sanding take off a shit ton of clear? Or do you spray more on to compensate for this?
  12. There was a place in River Valley mall that had it if I remember correctly.
  13. I thought he was going to drill her with paintballs. Lame.
  14. You paint within the same room as other uncovered cars?
  15. I'm so hood I wear my pants below my waist.
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