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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. The whole thing seems so fake. But I don't know.
  2. Not yet. There is no sign of fucking wrapping paper I need to wrap my presents though. Fuck.
  3. LOL 24 hours from now is where it's at. For some reason I get a fucking alcoholic urge on/around Christmas. If I could celebrate the new year for a week I would.
  4. Merry Christmas. I'ma try to catch Santa when he gets here and see if he wants to go on a beer run.
  5. She probably already bought some shitty one so it is out of hands now.
  6. I don't think he is in Athens any more.
  7. Kevin R.


    You know I only lost because I started the thread about this shit.
  8. Just got off work myself. Didn't do shit most of the day though which made it seem like I worked 10 hours.
  9. You are the one who is very very very closed minded. It is your opinion and everyone is wrong, or nothing. Grow up, not everyone agrees with your ideaologies.
  10. http://www.pearsonified.com/images/entries/horse_face.jpg
  11. Car looks fuckin sick. Welcome.
  12. Ok, now I see what the dude was bitching about in the kitchen. I didn't ask you to sell me anything. SHE is buying him something, not ME. Unless you want to drive to Kent State and assist her in purchasing one then where you work doesn't mean much to me. Does it just depend on the model of the remote start if you need a bypass module? I was just finding out if I should tell her to buy the bypass module thingy with the rest of the kit.
  13. Steve that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. That is the whole point in coming home for Christmas breaks and shit, for the highschool poon.
  14. I have a question. Does anyone how (if even possible) to find out if a bypass module is needed to install remote start on a manual 1990 Mustang GT? I guess my brother's girlfriend is getting him one and asked me. I have no fucking clue. Hopefully he doesn't read this. If you are reading this find out yourself and tell your girlfriend. Thanks.
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