Ya i havent wore regular shoes yet...hurts like a bitch to even try.
I have been wearing slip on sandals.
Im not wearing the blue boot for a broken toe. My pride says no.
Haha. Shieeet. Ill tie the fucker down myself. I read something that they will just tie it to the other toe and put something in between them...but my toe is like twice its original size so I aint fittin shit in between them.
Damn..i didnt want to put that much work into it. But I guess I should. I dont see what he could possibly do though except give me some pills and get some cash. I dont see them putting a whole fuckin foot cast shit on for a toe...and you cant splint the thing.
Ok. I broke my big toe.
It doesn't really matter I am just wondering if you just let this shit go. I don't want it growing back all fucked up, haha. I figure you just let it heal on its own, but for peace of mind, I am making sure.