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Kevin R.

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Everything posted by Kevin R.

  1. Posted 3 hours ago and the shits still hot.
  2. Ha. That is sweet. GL with the sale.
  3. Kevin R.


    Hey retard! Right here... **
  4. Drink. Because there is NO other way to celebrate St. Patricks Day.
  5. Kevin R.


    WTF is going on here?
  6. I needed one of those when I hit my deer.
  7. I'd probably beat the shit out of him.
  8. Oh fuck. Here it is now: Rick: "Meh...modern medicine is blasphemy. I could have made the man walk with a bible and good massage." Kirk: "Baha. You're a retard." Rick: "No way! What did you go to school for? A year?" +100 more pages of nonsense.
  9. Sounds like how you make the Pink Panty Droppers girls drink.
  10. take a picture trick, im on a boat bitch, drinkin santana cham cuz its so crisp
  11. Ya I don't see the spider/walking relation either. Sounds like he just had shitty medical help before.
  12. Really? We did over the summer...unless something has changed since.
  13. Ya right, you know one of those comments on Rate-My-Prof is from you.
  14. Do want. http://www.hulu.com/watch/62210
  15. I thought he might have borrowed Sam's drag radials....
  16. Rick can't apologize. He is always right and everything he says is warranted. Watch....
  17. Nasty. Get it running by next week. I want a ride.
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