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Everything posted by BDHG940

  1. BDHG940

    gold rush

    The Hoffman's are making it rain da strip clubs in Alaska.
  2. Pass out flyers on campus for free kegs at his house?
  3. Tough decision, but wish you the best of luck.
  4. Happy Birthday Pure-player. Also, return my videotapes.
  5. Shane and that Hillbilly kid are da baddest bitch.
  6. Hey, I told you to send me pics to my phone.
  7. BDHG940

    gold rush

    I wonder if the Hoffman's will take Dakota Fred off their top 16 friends on Myspace? Seriously though, the old man snaked them. He knows there is gold there and let them do all the work to get to it.
  8. BDHG940

    gold rush

    The old man has one of the worst voices I have ever heard. Also, the guy with severe back problems is the only one of them worth anything.
  9. The gt500 looked impressive When you ever going to knock that dust off the camaro linn and get that bitch back out?
  10. I shoot that shit morning, noon and night.....
  11. They can kink pretty easy but I have normally just bent and tweak it a little at a time. Its a pain but just takes some time and some bending
  12. Nice car, my dad has one pretty similar. I see you want brakes and I have a set of 13" 2003 cobra factory brakes if you were considering. Pm if interested
  13. I really just have no use for a kit, sorry
  14. I have a brand new cutout thats been sitting in my toolbox for a year or so. Paid $150, Ill take no less than $100 or it will just continue to collect dust till I find a use.
  15. Tom I run them in my GT and notch, both are nice. You can feel they are cheaper and thinner than the factory ones but both have been good. Havent had any issues with leaks or moisture getting into them and have ran them for going on 2 years now
  16. 2 or 3 of them were at trails it looked like
  17. Sweet, glad to see the car did what you had hoped. Looks like the track has a few nasty bumps at the top end?
  18. BDHG940

    Iraq war, DONE

    Glad they're coming home, because it cost a lot of money to keep this bullshit going.
  19. It amazes me how miserable some people in the world are.
  20. BDHG940

    Lets Hunt

    What a waste of life.
  21. this is where I get everything, his inventory is always changing so I order ahead of time mostly. You cannot find it cheaper for the same grade he sells http://www.ebay.com/sch/boeschbuilt/m.html?_trkparms=65%253A12%257C66%253A2%257C39%253A1%257C72%253A5476&rt=nc&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14.l1581&_pgn=2
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