Co-worker of mine just called, apparently two weekends ago his wife was out with co-workers at a quarterly get-together. They went to TopGolf, then for some reason drove all the way out to Plain City to go bowling. On the way back to Reynoldsburg area, the driver (SRT Charger) was going way too fast, lost control of the car and slid into a utility pole. He was DUI.
My buddy's wife was on the side that took the brunt of the impact. Her injuries were so severe that apparently her heart stopped a couple of times. Over the last week, she's had multiple surgeries and while she's expected to recover, it's going to be a lot more before she gets better.
He did consult an attorney this morning, as it's apparent that with so many planned surgeries and medical costs skyrocketing, he needs representation to go after the insurance company to retain as much in funds as they will give, but also sue the driver as a backup if needed.
My question for CR not whether or not an attorney should be signed, but if anyone has had good experiences? Recommend an attorney?
My wife is checking with a couple law contacts and I texted Doug Funkhouser.
Thanks in advance, CR!