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Everything posted by Murasaki

  1. 92 Chevy S10 Blazer (about to sell it) 89 Merkur Scorpio Yeah, not much. Just started driving earlier this year and I'm 19. tongue.gif
  2. Haven't ate many weird things so the weirdest is probably fried squid (calamari) but now I love it.
  3. Yeah.. so this isnt a new thing but my car (89 merkur scorpio) has problems. It stalls out whenever I'm stopped at a stop sign or red light or whatever any time I'm just not moving, if I put it in neutral when I stop, it doesn't stall out as easy (but still does eventually), and if its been running for a while and the engines hot then it doesn't stall out as easy either. So I havent had a diagnostics on it since I dont have the money to right now.. so I don't know what it is. My dad who had this car before me says the fuel injectors need cleaned but I dont think he ever got that checked out to make sure it was that so I dunno. I put in some of that chevron fuel injector shit you can put in yourself then fill up the tank and it seems like it didn't help AT ALL, but it was only one bottle. So.. asking people who are smarter with cars and shit, what the hell is wrong?
  4. Yeah. So, I'm looking for anyone or anyone who knows someone who does good re-upholstery of car seats for cheap. It won't be until winter (hopefully) until I'll have enough cash to get this done too so its not an immediate project.. thing.
  5. I believe I was in my sophomore year of high school, 3rd or 4th period history class and it ended and as usual me and a friend went over to another room to see friends and they had the TV on in there on news, and yup. Thats about when it started quickly spreading out through the school and everyone was pretty much (teachers weren't even caring) watching TV for a while after.
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