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Everything posted by Murasaki

  1. im in if its actually happening.
  2. Clean that carpet! If I had a bike I'd have no space like that to put it in my place. tongue.gif
  3. Wow, very nice looking truck for being a 79.
  4. Woah, their faces are ugly as hell, plus they're wearing WAY too much make-up.
  5. Not really looking into it, I'd guess the 04. tongue.gif
  6. Im going through the same shit, even Calltech wouldnt hire me. Er?
  7. 16/16 , easy but might be cause I'm female.
  8. Nice. Don't like the way those things look but the wheels are hot. tongue.gif
  9. Um. Why would you want to drive that? Ugly as hell. Stripes + Wing = lame.
  10. Geez she probably puked (or shit) that all up a couple hours later.
  11. I totally want both of those cars. The protege is better though, so cute. smile.gif
  12. I really like it but don't play it too often, mostly play CS:S cause I'm in a clan.
  13. Wow, that bonsai kitten thing is old as hell. It was proved to be a hoax forever ago.
  14. Wow.. retarded. You'd be safer to stay in the car. graemlins/nonono.gif
  15. Desperate to find a job, ANYTHING I can get into. Just trying to find something before I have to get desperate enough to go back to fast-food. I'm 18 and female (though that shouldn't matter, I would hope) barely any experience. (little cashier experience and little experience doing filing at an office)
  16. Rofl, he put tubgirl.com. Teacher probably died when they visited that page.
  17. What a dumbass bitch. Makes me laugh though. smile.gif
  18. Murasaki

    My Cars

    I guess you like yellow?
  19. I guess you like yellow?
  20. If I could change anything, including other people that have to do with me, I'd change alot of stuff about my dad so he wouldn't have made my childhood shitty.
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