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Everything posted by Murasaki

  1. My merkur stock has more torque than horsepower, not tons of either but still more. smile.gif That was an easy challenge.
  2. That had to have hurt. Hilarious, though.
  3. Hey, you said holiday gift for everyone, thats just for guys (and lesbians)
  4. And 99% of the time people dont memorize these 'steps' its actually really hard to memorize all the steps, its just that after time of playing this for a long time whether with feet or fingers, you learn to read it like learning to read a book.
  5. Yeah, thats called DDR (StepMania on the PC), something I play alot and for competition. I kind of find it funny how you all think its amazing but people normally do this stuff with their feet more often than fingers. tongue.gif
  6. Hey I'm getting one in spring too. tongue.gif
  7. Those shoes have to be uncomfortable. Other than that, graemlins/puke.gif
  8. Wow, sorry to hear. I'll keep an eye out.
  9. Can't wait to see this. Comes out close after my birthday too.
  10. Murasaki

    bronx bmw..

    Wow, that car got owned.
  11. Damn... dead at 35? That's gotta suck. RIP
  12. Wow, I wish I could do that. :|
  13. Welcome, though you shouldn't be 'racing' if you've just learned to drive.
  14. Was wondering how long it'd take before I see a 05 mustang ruined, as in looks.
  15. Woot, I love cranberry sauce, I'll have to try out that one. The other ones = wtf though. But eh, dunno they might be good.
  16. I think theres a guy on here that had an evo, and in his sig pic there was a black (or silver) and yellow evo next to eachother. Don't remember the name though.
  17. Murasaki

    help needed

    Saving Private Ryan and Enemy at the Gates are the only ones I know, that are good.
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