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Otis Nice

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Posts posted by Otis Nice

  1. One of the pieces of excluded evidence is KR on camera saying he would like to shoot looters 15 days before the actual shooting took place. Although the jury won't be able to consider this evidence, in the court of public opinion it is pretty damning as to his intent to generally cause someone harm with his rifle and not just use it for self defense.


    As discussed earlier in this thread: wasn't that excluded because, as the judge said in the poorly reported link I shared where it showed a vid of literally the judge saying it, it "sounded like it could have been his voice" and not actually him saying it? I don't know if he said it or not but if it's just a voice off camera can that be used as evidence? The judge doesn't seem to think so...which is why, in his words IIRC, it was excluded.


    Most legal experts that are familar with the particular Wis statute have commented in the media seem to agree that the law on it's face is poorly drafted, but it's legislative history as well as all related holdings are pretty clear he did not possess or carry his firearm legally.


    So he was within the law, albeit a poorly drafted one, yet folks (including you) are saying he wasn't?


    Not flinging shit. Trying to understand/learn.

  2. 6 teams. Power 5 champs and a wild card (perhaps a team like Cincy this year). That removes the bias/human element largely. My only issue with, "put the best 6-8 teams in" is it still allows bias and payoffs. It allows the lulzy AP preseason b.s. to creep in and affect decisions.


    There is no reason 'Bama should be top 4 right now. If they beat UGA and win the division they get in. If not they'd be out under this set up. 'Bama has beaten nobody and lost to an unranked team and is in the top 4 while others have played better and are undefeated and are on the outside looking in.


    Handle your conference and you're in. Period. It's really that simple. That in and of itself (the entire seasons worth of conference games) WOULD be the "first round" of the playoffs. The conf championships kick it all off.


    Quit letting money and biased folks decide how good a team is and GTFO of here with the "eye test". That's 100% opinion based.

  3. not a dig at yo personally, just at this kind of punditry. IT's loaded crap like this that contributes to people being confused about their own justice system.


    Are you referring to the article title? I was asking your thoughts as to the confession/admittance that he pointed his gun at Rittenhouse.



    The testimony speaks to one of the 6 charges, the attempted first degree intentional homicide, it does not contribute as evidence to any of the other charges. While it is not helpful testimony to the prosecution, it is not always clear how the jury will see that evidence in the context of the other evidence. They could read it as KR defending himself, or they could read it as KR's open carry was read by the witness as threatening causing them to draw their own weapon, which in in turn drew the shot from KR. One looks like self defense the other doesn't. I'm not there so I can't read the jury, and only those in the deliberation room know how it is going at this point.


    Ah. Here it is.


    "...or they could read it as KR's open carry was read by the witness as threatening causing them to draw their own weapon..."


    I don't see how. The actions of pursuing him do not seem to show they felt threatened. If they truly feeling threatened they would have drawn immediately or left. Not chased him down the street and behind parked cars as he was blatantly trying to retreat.


    I will say that the "clip" is super annoying to watch with those three youtubers on the left side of things acting as the peanut gallery.


    Agreed. That's why when I watched it back I chose the video lower in the link without them.


    I would say that sharing this as news of something contributes to the misinformation problem we are having with media in general right now.



  4. -Suzuki RV90 with a 125cc Lifan engine swap.

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  5. that WE didnt help at home vs oregon. try harder. nice titties matter




    Sorry that you don't agree with facts and stats I guess.


    I'm not truly sorry. I'm just saying that so you don't get triggered about this too.


    The funniest part is in CB yesterday you talked trash about Stroud vs. Neb then when I presented evidence you went silent and now, here in this thread, you're changing it to how OSU lost to Oregon. Another swing and amish. Try harder. :lolguy:

  6. Wasn't a pretty win however we were the first team to beat Nebraska by 2 scores.


    I looked it all up after the game and a lot of folks were talking about how "bad" Stroud did in a game where he threw for over 400 yards and 2 TDs and put up a 134.5 QBR while also contributing to Smith-Njigba breaking David Boston's record (y'all remember him? Of course you do.) because he threw 2 INT's.


    Of the top ten teams (as of this past week) Neb had a FAR better pass defense than all of them except UGA (#2) and UC (#1). That includes OSU obv. Three of the top ten weren't even in the top 130 pass defenses IIRC. 'Bama, MSU, Oregon, and the lot weren't close. The next closest was, like, 24 spots lower than Neb.


    No, it wasn't pretty by OSU fans expectations, but we went into their stadium and handled business.


    IDGAF who gets triggered by the fact that I use the term "we" while talkimbout sports

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