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Otis Nice

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Posts posted by Otis Nice

  1. Oh man, I love unistrut. I'm planning to make a lift, to raise heavy items to my shop storage, out of it


    Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk


    Unistrut is fine and making something for you lift is fine. Trying to dick around with all those little springs or connectors either with gloves on or taking them off while working in sub zero wind chills or 40 feet in the air on a lift? Blah.

  2. If you work in electrical or pay attention to how electricians and HVAC guys hang stuff you'll see that stuff used all them time including very interesting ways to hang HVAC units from ceilings walls etc.


    I use to hate screwing around with those. None of us liked them. :lol:

  3. 265014025_10158163406836400_8164429447927192246_n.jpg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=MkiZLli5LDcAX_0m9cG&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&oh=1c21ab40a3b613ce079c9b84e4c36146&oe=61B26160


    I predict:


    - 'Bama over Cincy (although I'm rooting for Cincy and hope I'm wrong).


    - TTUN over UGA (although I'm rooting for UGA and hope I'm wrong).


    - Fake OSU over ND (this was a hard one. I changed my mind and edited it. Could go either way).




    - Sparty over Pitt.


    - Who cares? They're both trash.

  4. Honestly surprised we kept all 4 of them for the entire season. Also not surprised he's jumping ship too considering he jumped ship on Highschool for money. Guys got his priorities set for sure and that's to make money playing football.


    No hard feelings best of luck to him but unless he was truly incredible there would be basically zero chance to take over the starting roll anytime soon.



  5. Not really. There is this real "fuck the rich guy" mentality that seems to exist in the "built not bought" end of the hobby, and I'm not really down with that kind of divisive mentality.


    I'm all for appreciating good work but not when you have to put down someone else to do it. A well built car can be appreciated for being a well built car - regardless as to whether the owner did the work themselves or not. If you have to put someone down in order to highlight how good your junk is....then is it really that good?


    Still not quite getting it but that's ok.


    I also agree that there can be division or a sense of superiority either way or if something is "original" or modified or whatever. Personally IDGAF either way.

  6. man I have a pile of car magnets from buying shit from them over the years and they're legit ALL RED CARS. Fuck that place.






    Agreed with what others have said. If it's easy to replace go with el cheapo and roll the dice. If not pay up.


    I have used RA several times. Depending on what it is I'll opt for the more expensive (and typically better) part.

  7. I am not saying you should value the check writer more than the craftsman, but it should be recognized that one doesn't exist without the other.


    Doc speaks of DIY. You do not. You speak of paying high end shops to do it for you. Missing the mark. Literally the antithesis of what Doc is saying.


    Finally was sent to another town and literally when to an open parking lot to take the trailer (No one was there). Really a mess of a process, but the trailer was great (Would love to have access to one of these regularly.)


    Well, if they are just lying around in open lots it shouldn't be too hard. :lol:


    Congrats on the new ride.


    LS swap it :gabe:



  8. Playoffs or beat Michigan, gotta do one or the other or it’s a failure of a season. I’m with Panduh.


    Point proven. :lol:


    We're spoiled. I'll readily admit I fall in line with y'all at times but we're spoiled. The realist in me says this is still a helluva good season for being so young. Not saying I'm happy with losing to scUM or not winning a NC, but if this is the WORST I have to endear as a fan? Well, it's not too bad.





  9. What an absolute waste of a season


    I respectfully disagree. When asked who has played against TTUN, like, 2 players raised their hands. This is the 2nd youngest squad in the nation, they walked into a program that EXPECTS perfection, walked into the GREATEST rivalry, and at the end of it all went 10-2.


    We have these kids for two more years. Two more years to grow and develop and to mesh together. Today those kids went up against some serious talent. Especially against that D line.


    If our BAD years are 10-2 I won't complain. It's hard to find many other programs who could say that. Aside from the Fickell interim OSU hasn't had a .500 or below reg season in over 100 years or something. It still wasn't even a losing reg season. That's nothing to scoff out or downplay.


    We, as fans, just always expect perfection. It's not realistic.


    That being said this one still hurt but I'm excited for the future.

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