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Otis Nice

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Posts posted by Otis Nice

  1. Oh I completely agree, Alabama is ranked so high just because of history and not this years performance. Sorry I didn't make that clear but I think we are on the same page. Alabama SHOULD be ranked lower but they get the history boost.


    "Historically" meaning the Saban era, yeah, I see that. Between Bryan and Saban you rarely heard much about them as I recall.


    And as much as I hate to say it I do believe the average SEC team is better than the vast majority of all of college football teams.


    Last 10-15 years? Yeah. That's hard to argue. It COULD be debated but not well. This year though? Oof.


    I DONT think Ohio State will take the #1 slot in most scenario's just because how strong the SEC is considered. The Winner Alabama or Georgia will be #1 I mean I guess if OSU destroys Michigan than crushes the Conference Championship too and Georgia/Alabama provide lackluster results MAYBE I just doubt it.


    UGA wins out and UGA is #1. That defense is nasty and there is no reason OSU should jump over them.


    If 'Bama beats UGA I don't think they should be #1 but I could see that.


    OSU vs Cincy would be great to see in either game.


    What are the odds we see UGA/'Bama in the conf championship and round 1 of the playoffs?

  2. My sig is:


    What's impressive is what you built, not what I bought


    and I stand by that. There's more sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in what you build yourself than in anything you buy. I admit I don't have the skills to build or significantly modify a car, and I do the next best thing .... buy it. But no one should be impressed by someone who only writes a check.



  3. I'm so glad IDGAF about TV's. I'm like, "can I watch the game? Yeah? Bet. That's way clearer than how I watched them growing up. I don't even have to adjust the antennae."


    Currently the largest TV I have is a 55" that was given to me from my uncle. It's a Hisense. It's clear enough to see everything and read everything on the screen. That's all I care about.


    UGA, BAMA, (EITHER OSU or TTUN) are all nearly locks at this point. There is basically just one slot open whether it Cinci, ND, Maybe OKST.


    This is interesting. If UGA stomps 'Bama as they should you still say a 2 loss 'Bama is a lock but then say "(EITHER OSU or TTUN)" when they're both 1 loss teams who both lost to a better team than 'Bama has to date and yet wouldn't consider them both a lock.


    I mean, if 'Bama has a loss to an inferior team and a playoff team and OSU and TTUN both have losses to superior teams and a playoff team why is 'Bama a "lock" and not OSU AND TTUN?


    This is what I don't get. It defies logic. 'Bama doesn't even have a marquee win. I don't get how they're #2 as of last week even. Aside from the mythical preseason AP rankings and the obv desire by those in charge to line their pockets they do not deserve the 2nd spot.

  5. That's just the AP. The official championship ratings don't come out until tomorrow at 7:00.



    I say it will probably be


    UGA bama osu ttun then Cincy Nd


    I think I was pretty spot on they even had ND jump TTUN thats great






    ND ( lol)



    If by "pretty spot on" you mean you got the first team correct then yes. :lol: We'll see what the real rankings are.

  6. My point is that inside your own home, firing on an intruder should not be controversial.


    That's the point the article is making yet the fella that did just that spent 4 years in prison waiting for a trial. There was also no fuss made or coverage about the SWAT team breaking the window and entering when they already had the guy they were after in possession.

  7. Racial slurs and bloodlust. Page 24 delivers.


    Stay classy CR.


    Care to elaborate or are sweeping generalizations, assumptions, and misplaced anger, good enough for you?


    Otis will be along shortly to call you out for slinging shit. That's his thing.


    You and Kerry seem to have a real penchant for making claims that are unfounded and trying to drag me specifically into things based on y'all's assumptions when I haven't said a thing either way.


    I'm not mad. I'm just pointing out that it does nothing but hurt y'all's claims and reputations. You both try to start shit, specifically with me, then claim others start shit. It's comical. You aren't proving a point. You're just trying to deflect the attention from yourselves. Especially when you sense your back peddling won't work. It's ok. Keep on rollin'. No skin off my Ashtabula.




    tl;dr - :jerkit: y'all are reaching and it makes me literally laugh every time. :lolguy:

  8. 1st: please let me know how you are going to hold the dead accountable? I'll wait.


    Those same folks like whom? seems like you are making a lot of assumptions on your part.


    If KR had been the active shooter that some of those people had mistaken him for and those unarmed people had stopped him, I would be willing to bet you would be lauding them as a hero. So you are right, as long as we are both making assumptions about people your Hypocrisy is laughable.


    If you want drag in the history of the people attacking him, can we also talk about how all this was over defending a buy here pay here car lot that the owners never asked him or anybody else to "defend"? Is damage to a couple used Hyundai's really worth deadly force and extra-judicial killings over?



  9. Doc's car is no doubt OG and super cool and unique but imagine a company actually putting out new EV's that, ya know, were unique too.


    I'd LOVE Doc's car but I think it's cool a company is even thinking about considering classic looks with modern tech. It'll likely never come to fruition but that's way cooler than a K car performance wise and very unassuming if you didn't know what it is.


    Also, if mass produced, it'd be more readily avail and affordable I would think than something like what Doc has.

  10. well what do you expect?


    A lot of people felt that even if he was defending himself he was still reckless and they wanted to see him held accountable for that.


    Those same folks seem to have no problem with the folks chasing him/the three he shot who were pursuing/threatening/harming him, who they were, what they've done or that they were reckless and should be held accountable.


    They just be like...




    The hypocrisy is laughable.

  11. Another +1 for RK. Been decent. Use to be great for ammo pre-COVID. Now there is a bunch of other accessories and what not where half of the ammo use to be and the other shelves are bare or have a couple few boxes of overpriced rounds.


    Dat stormtrooper Canik is tempting.


    It would match your favorite purse well.

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