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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. Looks good. Needs bronze wheels tho.
  2. 1JZ? No shit. Super clean car. Welcome.
  3. If only there were a section to discuss firearms where you weren't looking to buy or sell... Kidding. I have shot one once. To me it was more akin to a 40/45. Much different than a 44mag. You'd be fine. Go rent one. They're not bad at all IMO. I don't want one for the sole fact that it'd be the only thing in that caliber and I typically don't see the ammo readily avail near me.
  4. LOL @ comments and I agree. Great pics, meh vehicle. Also, Tilley is my spirit animal but with far better hair.
  5. I know Lauren is just being Lauren but I wouldn't take more than a friendly $20 bet either. lolClay.
  6. It's his money. Let Aaron take it. His SN on here is his wife's IRL name for a reason. The fella ain't all that good with the sportsballing betsting. Honestly, I agree with most everything posted above by anyone who gets to choose who to root for. It def doesn't feel like 8-1. It's mildly refreshing to know that when we have our most awful seasons we're still a winning team, but man, this feels groce. LOL at RR's amended top list.
  7. Bet your wife is loving this season. Mine doesn't care either way. She also doesn't tell me who I'm allowed to root for though.
  8. Take. It. Back. Mainly because I have Brady, Edelman, and Janikowosoifoakirojeficvoski, on my fantasy team. :lolguy: What if this happened and UCF won? Whole. E. Sheets.
  9. Back to the ol' coal forge at Curry's Antiques today. If y'all are into New England antiques and cabin's circa 1770-1830 you need to check it out and make it to one of the 5 events she has throughout the year. Be sure to try and make it to a home tour if you come. You won't be disappointed. Thanks for coming out and supporting, Mitch.
  10. You jinxed it. I blame you. LOL. I didn't get to see a single minute of the game. I heard it was awful. Agreed. Tilley...you own this thread. Several lols were had. Thank you.
  11. :lolguy: FTFY free of charge. Kudos.
  12. It's 10:39 pm, TTUN still sucks, and 'Bama still hasn't played anyone ranked above #25.
  13. Look forward to seeing the new content. Keep it up.
  14. I never thought I'd see "e" and "COPO" together.
  15. Ohio State strength of schedule: 14 Alabama strength of schedule: 27 You should do some research before replying. Maybe ask your wife.
  16. New England. Cincy. Pittsburgh. Minnesota. Green Bay. Baltimore. Chicago. Indianapolis. New York. Philly. Seattle. Washington. Other teams (cities) that have shitty winters. Atlanta. Chicago. Cincy. Kansas City. Minnesota. Oakland. Philly. Pittsburgh. Seattle. Other cities where "nobody wants to live". While I agree that any given city has folks that love it and folks that hate it, I don't believe that "nobody wants to live there" is a cause for a team as shitty as the Browns. There is more weight on the owners, coaches, etc. IMHO. Cleveland is perpetually awful and it has nothing to do with Cleveland. They were good...like, once. The Cavs just won a championship. There's more to it than just, "these teams suck because nobody wants to live there."
  17. So you live there NOW because your wife made you move and you have no ties outside of your wife, who is from there, making you move there? Am I following the story line properly? Cool story bro.
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