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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. I'm still super nervous of this Buckeye team against Clemson and def 'Bama. Shifty's in Circleville. DJ knows what's up. Imagine what the team would be like with little to no mistakes...or if we had the favor of the refs like 'Bama does.
  2. Pile o' sheet found. Please close, mods. Grassy ass.
  3. Lauren gon' ghost you like he did Tilley.
  4. Yeah. That face mask was a weak call. Refs have not been the greatest this game. Bad calls/no calls both ways.
  5. Almost forgot: Thanks, Tilley. I appreciate you tithing to those football gods.
  6. The folks that live in that part of town wouldn't like the noise and wouldn't really see the money.
  7. Don't using logic with Lauren. It never works.
  8. Question: if the folks that bet against Lauren lose do they have to pay him or can they just not reply to threads and PMs until it goes away? Asking for a friend.
  9. Thanks, buddy Still at a $1k cap. They test drove an Olds Alolero today. Called me saying that the owner admitted that it sometimes would drain the battery. Told him to take it to an auto parts store for testing. Called back saying both the new batt and the alt tested fine. Hard pass.
  10. For the record I wasn't disagreeing. I think it's a cool build.
  11. I don't think I've personally ever seen a half ton anvil in person. Mine is, like, 50 lbs. Sxott's is around 150-200 lbs I think.
  12. At least 7. The size may vary but I'd guess 7.
  13. You still can. In OK with a truck you'd prob be better off than with a weird Subaru that nobody understands in Cbus.
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