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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. Contradiction. 9mm with what you're wanting is def gonna limit you. KelTec would come to most peoples minds quickly, but you ruled that out too. Maybe an LC9?
  2. Nice. Some sharp cars there.
  3. But with only half the performance! And if you buy now we'll throw in a free pair of Truck Nuts!
  4. http://oi51.tinypic.com/6z9agw.jpg
  5. Good point. I often wonder what mass epidemic (i.e., ebola outbreak) would do to formerly rational people though. IMO, a MASS (see: hundreds of thousands affected) outbreak would be worse than fictional zombies. People getting desperate for "help" but still be more effective attacking than a decaying body. Overly crowded hospitals, panic, desperation, people not knowing what to do or where to go...all the more reason to be able to isolate, be able to defend yourself, and live self sufficiently. To answer the OP: The owner of this wins. http://different-pointofview.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/0e9e8a7ef1da53fc3cbe732bd5e86f70.jpg
  6. I'm sober and I love Das Boosters posts. I want another slower than sin 92 tercel...sans underbody neons.
  7. PS - Please go forth with your idea about calling out Wags with video. He'll prob have a drone strike you d-e-d, ded on the way home though. Ya know, NASA connections and all.
  8. "Not within 2 minutes, not worth it." - Steve.
  9. That sucks, but the audio in the vid is hilarious to me. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"
  10. Harley vs. Honda. Right vs. Left hand masturbation... I know it wasn't directed at me. I LOL at anyone who pays hundreds for what I'll get for free eventually. I LOL at anyone who waits in line for hours/days for anything, don't care what it is. Just my opinion though. I know not everyone agrees. I still have my 360 and haven't even thought about getting an xBone. Shoot...I still have my original NES and play it. Hysteria. "ZOMG! I HAVE TO HAVE IT!" No, not everyone is like this, but the VAST majority are. Those hundreds in lines today all over the world have potato need for an upgrade. Bet their tweets and posts will look SICK tonight though!
  11. I'm not a hater, but I just get whatever the $1.00 upgrade is every 2 years. Currently I have the Galaxy S III. If I would've gotten it a couple months later it would've been the 4. Meh. I don't care to pay for a phone. Not worth it to me. If the latest and greatest and all the hassle is worth it to you all, good on ya. Whatever floats your boat.
  12. Haven't-paid-more-than-$1.00-for-a-phone-in-a-decade-crew checking in.
  13. I don't think you'll ever have anything to worry about.
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