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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. http://gifsoup.com/imager.php?id=2812907&t=o No, there isn't, but a good quality smaller one would still be a killer present.
  2. http://images.wikia.com/macaronipedia/images/0/06/Thats_racist.gif
  3. I made a switch like this for $6k and absolutely hated it. Regret it to this day. Now I'm ina job I love more than anything, have unlimited freedom it seems, and make much less but I wouldn't go back.
  4. Whoa. Fo' real? DAT ISH CRAY!
  5. I hate to have to ask this, but were you one of them? :gabe:
  6. I'll trade you an ultrasuperduperlightweight .22 with a scope for your carry piece. :gabe:
  7. Rode last year and a formoer long time smoker myself. Good for you man and good luck. The ride was a blast. Unfortunately I can't make it out this year. I will again in the future for sure.
  8. Editted to apply to myself. Congrats Clay.
  9. There is no such thing as a "safe neighborhood". Simply doesn't exist. Remember when we thought America would never see an attack again the likes of Pearl Harbor then 9/11 went down? If crime happens in Whitehall it isn't too far to travel up to Dublin. Just my thoughts though.
  10. http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/564963_355441101188635_268330443233035_966575_1384251932_n.jpg
  11. Too many people have the "dogs are people too", "dogs are cuddly pets and I don't want to hurt them", or "dogs are vicious wolves that can't be beaten" attitude with dogs. Granted, an ederly woman may not be in the best shape to take out a large dog, but for one I'd shoot myself or grab a dogs throat and rip it out McGruber style.
  12. This is how the zombie outbreak starts. ....BRB. Cooking up genetalia to buy a 20 year old used Specilized mountain bike.
  13. Otis Nice


    http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--O71Sn9Dq8E/TfOF59FAjKI/AAAAAAAAAOM/a00TeaVSBq8/s1600/6a00d83451b1b869e200e54f788e238834-800wi.jpg She begs to differ.
  14. *ahem* BC, for you, I'll make a good deal. Buy Jeep and get to nut shot J erday.
  15. http://i.qkme.me/35h36w.jpg
  16. Here. I found you a custom survival kit. http://guyism.com/wp-content/uploads/box-of-kittens.jpg
  17. No. Just no. I have what I would call extensive experience shooting the C9 and 380. Just....no. The carbines are what keeps HP alive. You can only get so many suckers to buy bricks that constantly jam for so long. I wish I still had my 995ts Alex. My bet is you fall in love with it once you shoot it.
  18. Hike/bike. Best way to find alternate means to travel. Seriously limits hauling capabilities though. Horse drawn carriage wild west style perhaps?
  19. EMP flash. Bye bye vehicle. Now you're plan is crap.
  20. NASR is crazy expensive. I'm glad I have fam with land so I can do work outdoors and without so many restraints. Safe? Yes. Indoor with a ton of others around you and limited distance? No. Be BC. Go to range with giant pistol and make other men feel inferior.
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