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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. Stay out of reach of his arms.
  2. Hmmm...dunno. I know my buddy Brad had a 95 at one point, Anthony and some older members probably remember it, that had a semi turbo and a mistu 25g, scarab raceboat pistons, school bus tranny, etc. etc. Sold that and bought a new one and told me he was "keeping it stock" which he can never seem to do. THat's why I asked.
  3. Blue? Skinny redneck named Brad?
  4. I say we unleash the teen werewolf pack on them and just sit back and see who wins.
  5. +1 Too bad June 14th isn't a Saturday...
  6. Not a bad ratio. So length of use depends on user. Nice.
  7. They still had a few used ones, older style, left at Ohio Valley Outdoor yesterday if you're still interested.
  8. Otis Nice


    Win. http://nikkyhall.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/funny-pictures-cat-asks-who-throws-cheese1.jpg http://www.funcruz.com/funny-pictures-mouse-in-cheese-says-that-life-does-not-get-better.jpg http://magsol.files.wordpress.com/2008/04/funny-pictures-mouse-has-cheese.jpg http://engrishfunny.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/engrish-funny-cheese-crack.jpg http://imagemacros.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/canned_cheese_anteater.jpg MMMMMMM....
  9. Hey, made by the same stuff the military uses to protect against chemical warfare. Hmmm...
  10. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_BSUqLPjAoOM/SrkPd9XpGMI/AAAAAAAAE9Q/T_Sq3IoJ6Ks/s400/moose+stuff.jpg
  11. http://static.rcgroups.com/forums/attachments/2/7/7/9/3/9/a2926156-219-Facepalm%20jesus-facepalm-facepalm.jpg Oh crap. My bad. Weird thing was I was looking at buys extra mags from them when I posted this. Even told my cousin it was a 10 round mag. Well, now that I look like a total noob.... Visual aid. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v495/Hkmp5sd/thereisadifference2.jpg
  12. Oh, I understand that PapaFark. Don't get me wrong. It'd just suck to see your parents on a legit porn. Not like he stumbled across a home vid. His friends have prolly fapped to it. lol
  13. Uh...according to your own description you're a gang. Funny, don't gang members say the same thing? REPORTER FTW! Um, no. My dad didn't fack a goat. I'm 100% human and I'm pretty sure you are too. What werewolf would wear an facking leash anyways? If you're gonna be a nut case be an accurate nut case. Whatever floats their boat. I'm not one to judge but no, you don't have a friggin' werewolf inside you. These people do... http://www.vfs.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/werewolf-group1.jpg
  14. He probably told a friend who laughed at him and told everyone else. I mean, if someone told me that happened to them you'd better believe I'd tell someone else. Hahahaha!
  15. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know many people hate Hi Point sidearms. I've heard enough about them. Every review I've ever read about the 9mm carbine has been good to great though. My uncle bought one awhile back and sold it for more than he bought it for. Loved it' Said it's the ONLY Hi Point he'd trust his life too if he had to and he's owned Remingtons, Winchesters, Glocks, S&Ws, Colts, and the list goes on. Not that he would ONLY want this but said he loved it. Anyways, enough of the defense wall, here it is. Traded in my Mossberg .22 bolt action also. All rounds were fired as is straight out of the box by myself (a novice) with no adjustments. With added T handle. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs313.ash1/27825_125469274143503_100000412925888_227345_3479646_n.jpg Whole target. 50 rounds. Varied fire rates and distances. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs313.ash1/27825_125469364143494_100000412925888_227347_5970057_n.jpg 2 clips, rapid fire, from 15 feet. The one on the left was intentional from another clip (EDIT: mag. I'm an idiot) just to test the draw and pull. The lower one is the same. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs313.ash1/27825_125469257476838_100000412925888_227343_3603856_n.jpg Left half = rapid fire at 50 feet, right half = steady fire at 100 feet. http://hphotos-snc3.fbcdn.net/hs283.snc3/27825_125469267476837_100000412925888_227344_2275363_n.jpg That's it for now. When I get a chance to shoot more I'll give an update. BTW, no jams or probs with anything and I didn't buy the added grip until after I shot.
  16. Otis Nice

    UFC 114

    Pics or GTFO. LOL, kidding, but plus rep for making me laugh.
  17. Not really making your job easy, is it? lol Just noticed this from the front page. I see a resemblance in the Reebok logo (also 80's ) and here. http://www.nationaltrailraceway.com/images/header_001.jpg
  18. Haha. Well, it made me laugh sitting here at work watching the time go by, I appreciate your dedication. I'll + rep you for that.
  19. Otis Nice

    UFC 114

    I hope Rampage gets whooped and ,as after the Griffin fight, admits defeat. I'll give him props for giving credit when it was due, I just can't stand how he runs his mouth before a fight. After is usually funny though. Bisbing is an idiot. I hope he gets worked. Don't really care about the rest.
  20. Hahaha! + rep. EDIT: You must spread some rep around... I think it's hilarious... I think the shocked of OMG, they had sex RIGHT HERE while his pants were down was the worst part. Sure, all parents have sex. Doesn't mean their kids wanna lounge in their love juices.
  21. Nice. Woulda peed my pants fo' sho'. EDIT: I had a similar "encounter" as your first story except with a bear and Gatlinburg. Te resort we stayed at said to keep the dumpster lids closed b/c bears come around and showed us claw scratches on them when we checked in. Haha. Watching TV one night and we heard a baning on the sliding side doors of the dumpster. Went over the next morn and there were fresh paw prints everywhere. Effin' huge ones.
  22. Just found this. Seen it before but... http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/129192174599995867.jpg
  23. http://failblog.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/129192167844397412.jpg Failblog delivers once again.
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