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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. Windows 3.1. Hearts. Was 12 and found out how to change names of others playing. This was on the list. Became my email at 15 and my gamertag when UT hit. Still use it for most everything except xBox live. That ones a certain modification of Darkwing Duckbutter. Sorry my story sucks.
  2. At an outdoor concert couple years ago and someone did this in the port-a-john. Nasty.
  3. Otis Nice


    Wow. Actually watched the whole thing. "Superchargers take away horse power."
  4. Sick car. Congrats on that pass.
  5. Lift it. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/89/240140691_10707cb634.jpg Welcome.
  6. I'll give ya tree fiddy. http://www.angelfire.com/mi4/crescentfresh/treefiddy.gif
  7. They'll ALWAYS play Metallica. For the longest time I was a pretty big Metallica fan but radio overplay....blech. That goes for ANY artist.
  8. Did you mean to say choir or queer?
  9. If I had a million dollars I tell ya what I'd do. Two chicks at the same time. http://www.tru7h.org/xzzy/files/movies/officespace_lawrence.jpg
  10. "Mandatory Metallica" I believe it's still on there. Anyways, I listened for a bit on lunch break today. Heard Aerosmith. Still waiting for a good format.
  11. Penn and Griffin. I don't like Penn but the man is insane. I would rather see him win. I say Griffin b/c of his chin and I think he knows how to prep for each individual fight and trains for each individual opponent. Looka t what he did to Rampage.
  12. Get new friends. Now that that's out of the way, there may be no changing her mind. When people have their mind set as to whether or not to have a gun in the house you never REALLY change their mind 100%. I would suggest explaining to her that accidents can happen to you, her, or future children each and everytime you get into a car, but none of you are going to stop driving. I'll bet she eats fast food. Guess what? It causes obesity and heart disease, but I'll bet she doesn't worry about that. Check this site for some facts. http://www.guncite.com/gun_control_gcgvacci.html Guns don't kill people, stupid people with guns kill people. If you're smart about them they are no more dangerous than anything else.
  13. Any nice used car for $10K will keep you at $200 +/- a month. Rule of thumb: $100/mnth for every $5K financed. If you can buy for the same price, why hassle with a lease and have to worry about mileage? I work a a bank (not one that is going uner, getting bought out, or doing sub-prime loans) and we have a special right now. Low as 4.99%. Grab a good loan since you have good credit and OWN your car.
  14. First time I met Anthony was with ColsDSM when he chased after a civic that came into the hilliard parking lot and almost hit someone. He was in his super sweet green camaro. I was in my cousins 99 eclipse. ...then Andy and I met up with CR early (I was orignally member 62 or something using the SN 92tercel) with the Neon and Tercel. I had the faster 16 second car on the street! Good thing I had underbody neons... Eh....live and learn.
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