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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. Any time I've hunted dove I and the others with me have worn jeans and a hoody or t-shirt and done fine. I've never worn camo for dove. Unrelated but it's one of my favorite birds to eat. Best of luck.
  2. All the little things are starting to fall into place. Those are the original gauges just wiped down with some windex.
  3. Agreed. Too bad there's pre-season BS rankings.
  4. Yup. SEClol. They are relevant for a few years every 20 years. INB4BAMALOSESTOANUNRANKEDTEAM. I've not been overly impressed by 'Bama, UGA (lol, ever), Clemson, or really anyone this year and this is the first year I can say that in my memory.
  5. UGA does not look like the number 3 team in the country.
  6. Yes. Cell phone camera and some type of filter. lol Come see it in person, Tahm.
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