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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Braver? No. Less intelligent? Yes.
  2. I'll post more screen shots. Just a quick run through again trying for silent assasin. Some asshat caught me climbing in through the window. http://img305.imageshack.us/img305/9454/bloodmoney3co.jpg
  3. This game is sweet! I'll post screen shots. Graphics > Any Console. The first mission I just kept loading and finding alternative ways to kill the poor slob. The new features in the game are pretty sweet, like using a human shield.
  4. Awesome... I like the cat on the prowl.
  5. That fucker didn't even have a helmet or anything on. Wonder who's fault it was.
  6. Lol. Alex, I think that girl is actually serious. I think this girl is just poking fun, at least I damn hope so.
  7. Yugo pic *Right Click, Save As* Lol.
  8. I'd just tape her mouth shut and bend her over.
  9. OMFG... Why is this an issue? You shouldn't even have to deal with a matter of this sorts. What a bunch of fuck tards. I hate people. Let us know how it ends up.
  10. What a pointless thread. It's being too drawn out. He made a joke, the guy wasn't offended anyway (no need to be), and he apologized.
  11. Thanks for the cliff notes. My curiousity has been curbed.
  12. I don't see you posting shit. Oh yea, Glandon told me he boned your sister. ....and your mom.
  13. Oh. Mighty key board warrior eh? Integrity of this board? Lol. Wtf you talking bout Willis. Btw... go find better things to do. LMAO. That was funny as hell.
  14. The Socks And Sandals Queen
  15. Ah ha ha ha ha! That bitch on the tread mill had me rolling. No shame whatsoever.
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