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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Thank you. Any idea on prices or is that something I really need to call for.
  2. I want these wheels... http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/869/chris019small7bg.jpg to look like this again... http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/5633/black99with35thsom6.jpg They're the same exact wheel, except the bottoms were my originals which decided to just get up and walk away one night. Going through a couple winters they're not in great condition anyway. All that would need done is sanding that black paint off and recoating them. Any prices, comments, tips would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I do believe something is there, like stated above, acting as a god. It's just extremely hard to imagine that everything, on a spark of chance, happens as it does. Everything in this world goes together so beautifully to be the effect of some random explosion. I'm not a religion buff though. I feel religion was created to control people, like stated earlier, to give them something to do, and keep the honest men honest, so to say.
  4. I remember that... half ass looked at it through our decent telescope. Stars are pretty cool, too bad they're almost unidentifiable in the middle of Columbus. You need to head out to the boonies to really enjoy the view.
  5. Haven't checked in a while, normally averages about 27mpg on 87octane. Ranges from 24-30 depending on driving style.
  6. That was extremely well written and thought out. Honestly, probalby the intellectual thread on these forums ever. Thanks for the read. That opened up my mind and gives me something a little more to think about every day.
  7. Wow. That's damn good looking... for a saturn.
  8. Ouch.. his ego. Wasn't there one with a kid and his mom?
  9. Wow. That's disgusting. Her family instilled a lot of good into her? What the hell were they doing since she started shooting up at 15? Worthless.
  10. Ha ha. I remember n8 showing me this. "OMG! I love those leather pants!!!"
  11. Port a Potty o' Fun Make sure to watch towards the end.
  12. A lot of actors do weird wacky shit. Denzel played in "Much Ado About Nothing" which is an old shakespearian play. Pretty funny to see the same bad ass in Training Day play a frilly prince talking all proper.
  13. Lol. Cop... cop.... COP!!!!! So what happened?
  14. 50 bucks it happened on 71... that damn road has claimed 2 of my rims already. Off topic a bit, but does anyone know if wheel medic will simply just polish and refinish a rim?
  15. Stop whining.. you broke the law you got caught. Learn from it and wear your seat belt.
  16. Same thing happened to me. I told them not to sign me up for that bullshit protection crap. I asked him "Ok. You didn't sign me up for anything. I DO NOT want any of it." He said sure. It's on there anyway. Fucktards.
  17. You know how I know you're gay? Cuz you listen to coldplay.
  18. Yo *link doesn't work. The filter blocks the n eye g g
  19. Most cars come with a very light tint. Either way, it's not the shops fault. I'm thinking of going 35% here soon. Who knows.
  20. I've always like my Pioneer's. They're good headunits.
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