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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Cougar1647545494


    I got my stock wheels stolen. They were nice looking wheels mind you, but these wheels don't fit many cars. Hope you find the bastards.
  2. Highway to the danger zone! Ha ha.
  3. Have a newer, 99ish (I forget the year) 100xr back home. It's a nice bike, nice ride, handles good, decent power. Honestly, it's too slow for me, but an excellent beginner bike. You'd like it.
  4. Ouch. Stolen, that sucks man. Thanks though.
  5. I'm wanting to know the 1/4 on a stock 2003 Monte SS, the non-supercharged version. All I've finding is the supercharged (I think) Figured you guys would know more then I. Is this right? 2002 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS (auto) 8.6 16.6 (C&D Nov. '02) Thanks in advance.
  6. http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/1376/runningblock9sa.jpg Running block... ha ha!
  7. werd. Gayest thread ever....
  8. zeev6... that's not really funny at all. It's actually pretty sick making fun of all the troops that lost their lives. ..but that's just my view. Oh, before anyone gets gay. Yes, I realize it's a movie, but it's still a lame gif.
  9. Chuck chuck bo buck banana fana fo fuck fee fi mo muck Chuuuuck You all know what to do.
  10. Where's this at? Is there anywhere around here that rents bikes?
  11. Sorry, Nate. I guess that's not a great car for you.
  12. Also! I forgot, if you're a gamer. You own a PC. If you're a gamer and ONLY have a Mac, you're just a tard.
  13. Too narrow to ride... nah. That dude needs to learn how to fucking ride. What a tool.
  14. Yea. Milk does some crazy shit to your digestive tract.
  15. I think they just pretty much rival each other, one of those on going debate dealios. Like AMD and Intel, Mustang vs. Camaro, Chocolate or Vanilla.
  16. It's a torrent site. Either way, has anyone else been getting loopy cds? Like, all the songs are there, but the songs are all remixed together? Kinda like in the napster days they would seed songs that squealed like hell a minute into the song.
  17. He would just like, ride a flying carpet, or fly or something. If he HAD to drive, no doubt a Mustang. Mustang's never lose.
  18. That's why the city sucks. I like it back home. 27+ acres of woods my father personally owns with plenty of cliffs/streams cleaner then anything up here. Not including all the fields/neighbors woods I can have all kinds of fun in. IMO Country > City
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