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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. I wouldn't recommend the Samsung 16x DVD burner at MicroCenter. It's cheap, but mine as well as two others I know had them. They work great for a while and then crap out.
  2. It's not a bad looking car to boot. Maybe a tint job and some rims that fit the car, nothing too drastic. It's not worth modding being an automatic, I learned that. It'll still be slow and you'll be dissapointed, just save you're money and buy a bike or something.
  3. That dude sponsoring the fundraiser has the same last name as me. Maybe he's rich and I can be his long lost nephew or something. Fuck! I just realized I have to work tonight. Gayness. Like traffic isn't bad enough already.
  4. Eh. I only liked the Blue Monday song. Actually, going back through there's a few more I realized I did like but it's only a handful of songs from a whole decade. Just not really my preference in music. Actually. When someone comes out with another version of an 80's song I normally like it better.
  5. I don't understand when people complain about ricers street racing, then complaining about ricers racing at the track. It is a public track. I dunno. I guess people always need something to complain about.
  6. Someone from Ohio State U. actually wrote a paper discussing the legal implications of the word "Fuck". Anyone know the guy?
  7. I saw one of those. Difficult to realize it's a cop till you're right on 'em.
  8. I hate the 80's. Worst decade I've ever partially lived in. I do like the Blue Monday song though, but the Orgy version is much better.
  9. Solution. Use my car. No power = no traction problems. Problem solved.
  10. Damn I missed it. I suck at life. I love those guys.
  11. Word. That would take a LOT of time though. btw. What exactly does the notoriety do? I haven't obtained any so far.
  12. I knew that. I'm gonna hang my head in shame and walk away now.
  13. I'll keep that bike in mind muthaphucka. Lol. That thing would scare the living hell outta me, but I'd always have the power there if I needed it. What kind of bike is that AJ? KTM?
  14. I'm looking to get a new bike. Yes, the 2 strokes are crazy fast and it's fun to have that feeling of fearing for your life when the bands hit but I prefer the smoother power. I'm looking for at least a 250. I've always had Yamaha, but brand doesn't matter as long as I'm getting "the" best bike in it's class. I'm not entirely stuck on a 4 stroke though, so if someone can talk me into a yz125 or something of the sort I'm all for it.
  15. I'm not watching that to verify. I wouldn't really be proud of that though. I don't think?
  16. Pffftt... throw some svt stuff on their already. Sounds good btw, let me guess. Trubendz? Hey now Derek. The Duratech is a strong little motor.
  17. Actually, this is the easiest game to fiber wire someone. There's an option under the settings called "Easy fiber" or something stupid like that. You don't even need to prep, hold ctrl and sneak up behind them and click your mouse. Hell, sometimes you can just walk up behind them. Just make they don't see you come up behind them. I've been able to just stand behind people (dependent on my disguise) and wait till they forget about me and then bam!
  18. I wasn't making fun of it. I think it's sweet looking. I do ride, not street bikes though. I guess it was just an example though. I completely agree, that goes ten fold for most vehicles on here.
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