No one makes a stainless steal exhaust system for a civic?
that's hard to believe.. living in ohio you need stainless steal, my borla's freaking awesome
shit.. do it and sell it on ebay man. most of those tards will buy anything.
people have done similar on the duratecs though, hooked up a pressure switch so that when the secondaries open you can rig up an led to know they're open.. but really, it's pretty obvious when they open
Looks good mang. It's cool you have all wheel disc as well. It's so dumb looking seeing cars w/ really nice rims, and than have those ugly drums on the back.
That's the whole point, the darkness is scary as hell. If you like it go ahead and pick up the expansion. Just as fun. Try playing it at night, or in a very dark room, by yourself, surround sound cranked up... you'll come near to pissing yourself.