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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. Cougar1647545494


    wow.. that must of took a long time converting your sentence w/ a thesaurus to look smart
  2. ^seriously? either way.. from seeing other videos of him, he sure raps a lot about hating his dad and being gay
  3. agreed, that seems like some sweet game.. very cool
  4. Yea.. it's a pretty sweet ride Just make sure you don't recreate his motor... god forbid more than sables have the 3.0 in em graemlins/jerkit.gif
  5. that was kinda.. hell it was funny
  6. No one makes a stainless steal exhaust system for a civic? that's hard to believe.. living in ohio you need stainless steal, my borla's freaking awesome
  7. lol, awesome 'i'll not only fire you, but i'll also fire your family, and all your ancestors!'
  8. your one sick individual for 1. finding that 2. posting that
  9. orion... snatch right? that movies good.. that may not be the name of it, but i know what movie your talking about
  10. ^ if your sick in the head, yes i prefer not to see anything ran over at 65mph poor llama
  11. shit.. do it and sell it on ebay man. most of those tards will buy anything. people have done similar on the duratecs though, hooked up a pressure switch so that when the secondaries open you can rig up an led to know they're open.. but really, it's pretty obvious when they open
  12. Looks good mang. It's cool you have all wheel disc as well. It's so dumb looking seeing cars w/ really nice rims, and than have those ugly drums on the back.
  13. Circuit City sells kicker... not sure what kind though. You'd have to call and talk to roadshop.
  14. reeeeee.... the first ones on this page aren't bad at all though
  15. there were none from my knowledge wheelie bars save lives.. well, only if you need them
  16. That guy was sporting a motorcraft hat too graemlins/nonono.gif
  17. http://img220.echo.cx/img220/832/puke4nj.gif
  18. He's hilarious... was a very good standup. Those jokes are just so much funnier when he says it though rather than just reading it.
  19. wow that's crazy.. where the hell would that have came from?
  20. That's the whole point, the darkness is scary as hell. If you like it go ahead and pick up the expansion. Just as fun. Try playing it at night, or in a very dark room, by yourself, surround sound cranked up... you'll come near to pissing yourself.
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