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Everything posted by Cougar1647545494

  1. ??? i thought it was dumb, they're not going to draft anyone
  2. some of those girls aren't even remotely hot.... you feeling ok? pregnant woman?
  3. my dad did that, freakin lame man, smoking's disgusting my 0.2
  4. wow that sucks doom is a great game, they should leave it at that, the originals were classic and totally blew everything else out of the water, it sounds like they're making it another zombie movie or w/e (aka resident evil) lame
  5. black is usually sex, but that damn red is so sexy those are some very hot curves... the car i mean, but those woman, damn
  6. i seriously think it's all the leftover from bud and budlight, but sometimes i've gotten some good 12 packs bud's only like 10-15 dollars more for a keg, why the hell would you want nati?
  7. you named the best games, what else more could you want but yea, beer pong, just take off a door and lay it over stools or your table or w/e, improvise
  8. There's a way to reserve yourself a seat in hell How much it sucks though, he should have been wearing a helmet, honestly, i don't nor know anyone else who thinks not wearing a helmet makes you look cooler.
  9. sucks man, but just pay the thing, i've had my fair of warnings, and got harassed when i wasn't doing anything, so i guess it evens itself out
  10. i beat that a while ago.. fun game the thing is though, how you have that guy up top there, i never had to do that and beat it, i dunno
  11. incredible... it's amazing how some of these stations are gouging though... livingston, thortons was 2.17 and bp RIGHT ACROSS, PARALLEL FROM THEM it was 2.02.... wtf? asshats
  12. Yea, i'm pretty sure stealing any car is gta, which is a felony. Grand theft is set at anything over 500 dollars, such as a laptops, when people steal from work they're facing felonies... dumb dumb dumb, not worth it whatsoever.
  13. Yea... that's what i was thinking. Anyway, nice car. I really like mustangs, they're so damn mean looking.
  14. i call bs... no way graemlins/wtf.gif
  15. is that focus european? that's def. one hot focus i'd like to have. The svt 2.5 puts out 200 not 170, but than again i don't think he changed the c/r, cams, ecu or whatnot to make it an svt. I can't believe you can fit a cobra motor in there, shit, if you can fit that in a focus why the hell not my car?
  16. clicky Don't know if you've seen this or care, but I found it pretty bad ass. They swapped 2.5L Duratec motor into a Focus and slapped on some SVT parts as well. Honestly, they're dumb for not going w/ the 3.0. As the engines are very similar and would have required little if any more work for a lot more power. I've seen this done w/ zx2's also. That much power in such a little car is pretty sweet. They even used the cougar gauge cluster. Talk about a compact engine bay.
  17. that really looks good mang! great job graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. First time see for me.. i laughed my ass off, i can't get it outta my head either. do you wanna bannanna
  19. Nate your such a whore... way to take care of your car graemlins/nonono.gif I suppose you need a ride to school eh?
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