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Everything posted by verse

  1. http://en.wikifur.com/w/images/c/c9/Car_Fox.png
  2. +1 It's the interweb, where douche's converge to make themselves feel better.
  3. Looking to meet closer to the Grove City or Groveport area. PM sent
  4. Speaking of brake lines, fixed the leaking line. Go to bleed; pump pump bleed, pump pump bleed, pump pump another line blows. That's why brake lines are one of my least favorite things.
  5. Full 100rnd box of WWB ~$30 Full 50rnd box of Federal ~$15 Partial box of WWB Partial box of Federal $40 or trade for 200rnds of 9mm, or some .223 (100rnds brass or ~160rnds steel) Edit: It's actually 181 rnds total.
  6. I hate doing it all, but it's easier for me to do it b/c I actually know it's done right. I hate running brake lines, and guess what just rusted out on my dad's car. Yep, fun tomorrow.
  7. This really annoys me b/c the fact that I normally got $.50 4 fill ups every month, and now I won't get anywhere near that amount off.
  8. That was pretty boring. Anyhow I voted you a 10 and everyone else a 1. I hope it helps you win!
  9. Looking for a 9mm or something much smaller than what it is.
  10. Who is that common sense to, shady waiters? It's obvious I'll never go to this place now.
  11. It has nothing do with a person's budget. EVERYTHING is going to increase in price now. Your favorite canned vegetables for instance; well they have to pay more to havest it now b/c the picker eats fuel, they have to transport it to a canning facility, they have to take it to your favorite store's warehouse, now they have to truck it to your store. All your food, all your goods, this country runs on gasoline and diesel. It could cause a lot of problems in the near future.
  12. Just from what I see, most ambulances and fire trucks slow down at those types of insections.
  13. I'd vote for him if I wanted to get called for jury duty.
  14. If you go to southernsavers.com they have all different stores weekly ads and coupons that match up with that particular sale and tell you where the coupon came from (sometimes printable, sometimes the sunday ads and they give you the week it came out.)
  15. Saw that a few weeks ago. Pretty awesome, I wonder what the cost to make it was though.
  16. Get rid of her already. Honestly a girl like that isn't someone you want to be with unless it was the husbands fault. Especially if they are still married, drama will be her middle name. I know from experience. You'll be much happier without her.
  17. There's nothing I can think of that I'd be interested in.
  18. You make no arguement. LeinenkUGEL's is good, true. I'm not a pale ale guy. Yuengling is good, but it's more of a supply vs. demand good. No one would drink it nearly as much as if it were sold around here. It's the same way with iHop and Sonic, they used to be the shit when traveling and now they are blah.
  19. Deer Creek is under about 5-6ft of water currently. The shotgun range looks pretty clear, but I don't think they'll be open for a little while.
  20. All I see are a bunch of teenage girl drinks and Stella, while good is not greater than New Castle.
  21. New Castle mini keg /thread
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