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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. Companies pay the fees... not the candidate. Simple to "cant hate" the idea if logic is present. Recruiters recruit people (who meet criteria) to fill jobs and get paid by the client. Outplacement firms (thing of the past) help people find jobs and charge that individual.
  2. I work strictly in healthcare. There are hundreds of firms that work with engineers. I don;t know a single one of them. I am sorry. I will ask around though.
  3. Moar work... and fitment Amd, the coils have settled. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/603329_10101070229428674_368969676_n.jpg http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/424619_10101070230860804_378113424_n.jpg
  4. Indeed, linkedin, ladders are all good resources. You might also try... Contacting a recruiting company that works in your field. Talk to one of their recruiters and start a relationship so they know what you are looking for and call them once a week. Talk to your friends or even peer coworkers (that you trust) and ask them what open jobs they know of and also who else knows of a lot of open jobs. Similarly, you could begin to attend networking events as well as some of the events/luncheons that "business first" sponsors. Be weary though, a lot of those people don't attend to "help you find" or "look for" a job... Some just tend to blow a lot of hot air. Here is a basic question since I may be able to help. What have you been doing in the past 5 years? And, what do you want to do next? Stat, 80% of people who changed jobs last year did it to make a lateral move doing the same thing for similar money because they'd rather do "it" in a different culture. With that being said... I think people make lateral moves with the intent of moving up eventually. Food for thought though.
  5. Let me speak on that other kids response... "blow me".
  6. Wiggs should be called "Diggs".... because he keeps making himself look worse-and-worse by digging plethoras of holes deeper and deeper.
  7. Diamonds

    Cuban coffee

    Exactly, what brick and mortar would risk their business license and face jail time just to sell cuban products? Exactly why cigar shops don't even fuck with it.
  8. Diamonds

    Cuban coffee

    you will not find a local seller of Cuban coffe... it is illegal to acquire cuban-made products in america. That being said.. these guys ship to the US. http://store.dutyfreecubancigars.com/BUY-CUBAN-COFFEE.html
  9. i know right... who cares? he acts like tom-fucking-cruise is going to say "your name" and reference you as the most handsome man in the world in his next movie... Classic case of... I WANT TO BE FAMOUS... or at least act like it...
  10. I want to come look at them tonight if possible.
  11. Currently that car will beat Dwiggs in a race... Just sayin...
  12. paint them candy gold like this dude with a silver mirror undercoat. http://i402.photobucket.com/albums/pp102/S14TEENRB/d43fba37.jpg
  13. They were all there because they heard there was a vodka luge and nice finger foods. Seriously, it looked like a group of sleazeball realtors and insurance salesmen hoping to meet potential "buyers". I saw what you saw. And, I too feel bad for the guy... Why does he keep digging the hole deeper?
  14. I agree that the guy acts idiotic. And I think he is very immature. But...Rule number one, money all spends the same way. I think a lot of people are angry because he is wealthy with a bad attitude. Too bad he lacks the ability to connect with people. And, seems as if he likes to be a contararion in order to promote himself much like a no-namer on a controversial reality TV show a couple years after it aired. But that's what wealthy/rich people sometimes do because rich (minus the famous) just isn't enough to stroke their ego. Hey, maybe his next bid will be a night-vision sex tape like all the others who are desperate for "buzz".
  15. Not doubting that many are jealous... Let's get back to you though (before the attempt to divert attention). Remember when you assaulted his cock with your tongue? What happened? Umadbro? Imnotyourbro.bro! Comeatmebro. Dontusebroifyouhaventbeentotheshoreokaybro?
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