Indeed, linkedin, ladders are all good resources.
You might also try...
Contacting a recruiting company that works in your field. Talk to one of their recruiters and start a relationship so they know what you are looking for and call them once a week.
Talk to your friends or even peer coworkers (that you trust) and ask them what open jobs they know of and also who else knows of a lot of open jobs. Similarly, you could begin to attend networking events as well as some of the events/luncheons that "business first" sponsors. Be weary though, a lot of those people don't attend to "help you find" or "look for" a job... Some just tend to blow a lot of hot air.
Here is a basic question since I may be able to help. What have you been doing in the past 5 years? And, what do you want to do next?
Stat, 80% of people who changed jobs last year did it to make a lateral move doing the same thing for similar money because they'd rather do "it" in a different culture. With that being said... I think people make lateral moves with the intent of moving up eventually. Food for thought though.