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Everything posted by Diamonds

  1. I am going to sell off about 85 """"specialty"""" cigars.... Some sticks retail for 20 bucks, some retail for 8 bucks. 85 sticks for sale, PM me if you want a copy fo the breakdown. I will split them up. Minimum order is 100.00
  2. is there anywhere on the northeast side that carries little kings cream ale?
  3. http://static.funnyjunk.com/pictures/633632290549165732_irony0.jpg
  4. tried the krogers at Morse and Hamilton and no luck.
  5. where can i get it in Columbus? http://www.binnys.com/images/beerlabels/811640L.jpg
  6. What if i dont plan on owning the same house for more than 7-10 years? Im not planning on settling in this house, simply a decent starter home. Should i still do 15 years?
  7. Well, The wife and I have been married for about 6 months now and we figured we'd take the plunge and buy our first home. We want to build some equity, get a decent home, and get that phat 8k check from the government. Besides, we are paying about 300.00 dollars less in rent than it would cost to own decent house. We are pre-approved for double what we are willing to spend so we should be good in that dept. I am taking advice on the "do's and donts" of home buying. So far, here is what i have come up with. 1. in this market (nationwide) how much (percentage) can i expect to get off of a house. Lets say theres a house for 200,000 dollars, what should i offer, and what factors should i take into consideration? 2. how do i find the deals (ie - REO's & homes that have been on the market for a while). Our goal is to buy a nice starter home and make some money on it in 7-10 years. What should i look for? how old should i buy? how old shouldnt i buy? etc? We are open to quite a few regions (Gahanna, New Albany, Westerville, Worthington, Lewis center, Powell, Grandview, and German Village) Anywhere else is either out of our pricerange or not conducive to our work locations. Also, If you know anyone selling something in these areas let me know. I'm considering anyhting within my favored regions. Thanks for all the advice in advance guys, Im getting kind of excited to buy a home. I have to be in contract by mid April to get the 8K.
  8. i used to make those back in college just to fuck around with. They are super easy to make.
  9. did you see the text at the top of the descripton? "WHERE YOU GET THAT EVO AT???"
  10. my brother in law owns a basement water proofing company, call him wiht your quote; http://www.wekeepyoudry.com/ 800-544-7796
  11. got a couple new things in, cigars and humidors, PM me for pics etc...
  12. http://www.dgdesigns.com/humidor/capics/gijoe.jpg
  13. http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs175.snc3/20278_527647200595_197400497_31186600_4560714_n.jpg
  14. http://nickmontano.net/pics/beer.JPG
  15. Diamonds


    notive the dude with the blowout right behind the checks head to the left1!!!
  16. last pic... tuckin tires in the rear.
  17. franchise something....? put it towards franchinsing something? Also, If you daytraded with 200k you could do alright!
  18. http://cdn-53.muchosucko.com/production/asset/thumb/069/740/450x1000/pedobear.jpg
  19. wait, wait.... it looks like they chopped/morphed the pics after each round to look like a mix of both chicks. does anyone see that?
  20. i like at the end when the bus 50/50's the guardrail.
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