This happened to my wifes car the other day while we were out. I just got her the car in October, I am fuming.
Would you fix it immediately? or fix it closer to the time we turn it back in (leased)
I want to get it fixed sometime before I turn it in, but there is no sense in fixing it immediately if its not that bad since theres a chance the car could get fucked up again at some point..... unless you think i should fix it sooner than later.
Notice the coroded area from the metal body panel... can i use touch up paint to keep it from rusting before we get it fixed.
Its about a quarter inch wide and 2 feet long, starts on the metal and goes to the back bumper.
It ddint bend any of the metal which is surprising. I doubt it can be touched up because its so deep, but who can tell me of a good shop when the time comes to fix it.