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Everything posted by Dave1647545494

  1. you do glass block the same way with mortar its just made of glass and not cement
  2. 716 hp bet that was tough with the stock top mount intercooler too. what a retard
  3. I'll fly if you buy smile.gif call me
  4. cici's would be ok. somebody wanna call me with a location/time later on today.
  5. Dave1647545494


    it will be edited shortly.
  6. car thief for shizzle or a bank account scammer
  7. doesn't matter just let me know what I need to do.
  8. augies imports up by akron had good prices they have a 1-800 number in the yellow pages
  9. be real carefull setting them up its an expensive mistake if you don't set them up right.
  10. thats not really fair you know. fat girls are everywhere, becuase mc'donalds is worldwide now. smile.gif
  11. don't mind me I'm just whoring through smile.gif
  12. how the hell to you get into an interview room in a police station with a gun? somebody didn't do their job that day
  13. I forgot. Hurry the fuck up I've been waiting on you to buy the motor for months. if you don't buy it soon its going as is to the highest bidder. Ben I can't get ahold of Sarah she won't return calls. see what you can do on your end. I wouldn't mind a truck but I need a title and she's kinda hard to deal with.
  14. max and ermas at the corner of hard road and sawmill 930ish for happy hour
  15. yeah. let me see what I can do about the title first though. ok?
  16. http://www.columbusracing.com/pics/daveshadow/body%20front.jpg http://www.columbusracing.com/pics/daveshadow/body%20rear.jpg
  17. no its cold in my garage. and its not hard to do, even a computer nerd like you can handle it. tongue.gif
  18. its prolly the timer? is this at your apartment? I could be persuaded to fix it for say a sack of white castle sometime this afternoon or maybe tomorow
  19. get a minivan you can haul people around in one and then pop out the seats and hual anything else voyager caravan town&country astro windstar aerostar the three chrysler vans are fwd or awd th astro and the aerostar are rwd the windstar is also fwd chevy has a nother small van out right now but I can't remember what its called. we have a voyager I didn't really like it at first but its actually really usefull and hasn't had to have anything other than regular maintenance done to it
  20. do it yourself I have all the tools if you want to borrow them you just need to get the grinding compound I'm out of it.
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