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Everything posted by ZYUL8TR

  1. Dave, We had BP last night at Fryer. I hit a ball , with my Jeff Hall, that hasnt landed yet! BOMBZ!
  2. ...the title/artist of the song in this video:
  3. ZYUL8TR


    ...why do you always call me and hang up? Are you confused?
  4. If you have a good rep with your banking institution, they can help you. You can get county approved docs via the auditors office in your residing county. Once you have the docs, take them to your bank. You will need a notary.
  5. Are you attempting to start with me again? Or are you wanting to retract?
  6. ZYUL8TR


    ...you're a putz. That is all. Carry on.
  7. 1) The fuel guage does not move. It is fixed at the 1/8 mark. All other dash guages work perfectly. Normally, the gauge should move once the ignition key is turned on, the the guage will fix itself to the fuel level. However, there is NO movement on the guage whatsoever. 2) What is the front end vibration above 70mph? They just had new tires put on and the vib did not disappear. Your help is for a needy family. Thank you in advance.
  8. I have Tmobile. I love the service and reception. I also love my Blackjack II. Best phone EVER. Jamming to the built in XM radio.
  9. I have DirecTV, which provides 90 (including locals), or so, channels in HD. I want to be able to PIP ESPNHD and ESPN2HD, for example. I could do this another way by purchasing another HD receiver from DirecTV. But, since I already have the cable signal coming in, I want a box to convert that signal. There has to be a way to do this.
  10. In the words of John Quincy Adams: "This is the last of earth; I am content."
  11. I have Road Runner. Since Time Warner is runnimg the cable signal through the same coax cable, I am picking up about 70 channels of cable for free. Is there a box I can purchase, that will allow me to pick up some of these channels in HD format (without TW knowing- in other words, without subscribing to cable service)? I have DirecTV currently, and dont want to switch to "payable" cable TV. I am using the cable signal as PIP source. I had Time Warner installl the incoming Road Runner coax next to the DirecTV input. I installed the internet modem on my home theatre tower. I have the computer tower next to the theatre tower, and use my plasma TV as the computer monitor. I can PIP the DirecTV and my internet surfing. I then installed a wireless router next to the internet modem. I have my laptop and my office desktop setup, wirelessly. It is P-I-M-P!
  12. Doesn't work that way. The tuition credit is based upon percentage of income.
  13. You fag! Why you gotta be a 32! Damn midget. But, Ticknors rules. Only place I buy shirts/jeans.
  14. I have a Treo 650. You can have it for free. It has some scratches on it, but works just fine. I only have the battery charger cable. I dont know where the software and USB cable are.
  15. Just think what that $30 would do if it went into a high yield 401K. Or even a CD. Those that ask the IRS to keep the extra money per pay period, are basically taking out a no interest loan. Why not just put that money into your 401k, take out a 401K loan, then pay YOURSELF back the interest. If your company matches, you make double.
  16. Jackass!! Keep your comments off here! Just keep checking your PM's!
  18. I think we ALL need to shut up as far as the racing goes at this point. A good man has died. Cant we just discuss his good attributes. For the love of god people, let some people mourn. The racing is a mood point right now. It doesnt matter how he died, it matters that he was a good man and he is no longer here to make us laugh. AT LEAST WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE MAN IS LAID TO REST BEFORE SOME OF YOU FEEL THE NEED TO JUSTIFY. I COULD CARE LESS ON OPINIONS.
  19. It doesnt work. It is impossible. You must add some sort of glowing agent. This is what you need to add in order to get it to work: 4 g sodium carbonate 0.2 g luminol 0.5 g ammonium carbonate 0.4 g copper sulfate pentahydrate approx. 1 litre of distilled water. 50 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide approx. 1 litre of distilled water
  20. Ok, thats cool. I have not heard of Dr Vanstein. My surgeon was Dr. Randy Wroble, of Sports Medicine Grant. He is the team physician for the Columbus Blue Jackets. I am almost 6 months removed from surgery and am back to 100%. You can not see the incisions whatsoever. He did a hell of a job.
  21. I must disagree completely. 1) My largest incision, using the donor pateller tendon, only required 4 staples. The other four incisions used two staples each. The pateller tendon was researched to have higher strength capabilites than original tissue, adn other forms as well. 2) When using strands of the hamstring, recovery is proven to take much longer. With any ACL surgery, your quad and hamstring shut down due to the trama of surgery. When pulling strands away from the hamstring, you are weaking this muscle further. Hence, when going through PT, your goal is to strengthen the quad and hamstring while the healing process takes place during PT. Your view may be wise, provided the patient is not an athlete. Therefore, you can get away with the other processes. However, any athlete is advised to chose the pateller graft.
  22. May I ask a few questions? 1) Who was your surgeon? 2) Why did you not opt for a donor graft? If you chose the donor, you would have 5 small, small incisions. Plus, you would not have to worry about the therapy required to heal the patella tendon area. The good news, they did not graft from your own hamstring. Quad and hamstring therapy is a big key when going through PT. With the strand of hammy gone, I have heard horror stories.
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