1) The mullet wants to take out a loan on a vehicle that is paid off but can't afford his other bills?
2) He says he can afford a $140 car payment, yet, can't afford his other bills?
3) Won't sell the car because he doesn't want to get up at 6:30am to take his wife to work. Yet he CAN do the auto-pawn thing and pay the $54/month interest?
4) The non-payment of Dec. AND Jan. rent is somehow "the old ladys fault"?
5) His Uncle is a "dickbag" because he NO LONGER wants to help his nephew mullet.
When will people learn to take responsibility for their financial situation? Our society is being polluted with people such as this. Next on his list is government assistance. He will apply for some form of assistance and get it. We will all be paying for Rob-the-Mullet to continue to build his P.O.S. Mustang.
Let me tell you something Rob. Unless you make the conscious choice to improve your financial situation on your own, you will never amount to anything. It is not your Uncles fault, not just your wifes fault, nor any banks fault. It is your fault. Stop attempting to throw this blame outward.
Advice for you:
1) Sell anything equitable. You do not deserve to have it anyway.
2) NEVER got to a check cashing place
3) Stay away from pawn shops
4) DO NOT buy more parts for that shitstang
5) Get another job, both of you! If you have to be at work from 5am until 10pm, do it.
6) Do not call your uncle a "dickbag" because he won't help you further. It is obvious he has bailed you out many times before. Why should he be responsible to continue to support you?
7) If you have credit cards (they are probably maxed out anyway), cut them up.
8) Go see a credit counseling specialist. They will tell you what/how you need to clean up your credit. They will help you lower your monthly payments. We all know you can't figure this out on your own.
9) Tell the wife to ask for a "forebearance" on her student loans. You will still acrue interest. The most important thing here: no payments due for a year.
This may sound harsh to you Rob. Take my advice, stop being a loser, and get off your ass to accept responsibility.