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Everything posted by ZYUL8TR

  1. Anything, that comes with a box, is too pricey for you.
  2. He showed up, but left rather abruptly.
  3. I recommend offering potential renters a 13 month lease. If they sign a lease by the 15th, they can move in Jan 15th, stay rent free until Feb. 1st, and the 13 month lease would then start Feb 1st. Then go month-to- month thereafter. This offer will sound more attractive.
  4. I guess I don't understand 'tard lingo. I couldn't see past the run-on sentence. Clean the keyboard of your left-over jelly sauce. Some of the keys are sticking.
  5. Can someone tell me what the hell this means!
  6. ZYUL8TR

    strip clubs

  7. ZYUL8TR

    strip clubs

    This is a racing webite. We should not be discussing strippers. The word strippers has inference. A stripper is not a good thing. Strippers are what they are: strippers. They strip for a living. Strippers are NOT for sale.
  8. ZYUL8TRS' conversation with Mullet Rob: ZYUL8TR: Well I'll be a son-of-a-bitch. Rob's been saved. Mullet Rob: Well that's it, boys. I've been redeemed. The preacher's done warshed away all my sins and transgressions. It's the straight and narrow from here on out, and heaven everlasting's my reward. ZYUL8TR: Mullet Rob, what are you talking about? You have bigger fish to fry. Mullet Rob: The preacher says all my sins is warshed away, including that Piggly Wiggly I knocked over in Yazoo with my Dad. ZYUL8TR: I thought you said you were innocent of those charges? Mullet Rob: Well I was lyin'. And the preacher says that that sin's been warshed away too. Neither God nor man's got nothin' on me now. C'mon boys, the Natural Light is cold and the Mustang is built from the roots of 165 other Mustangs.
  9. Stop kidding yourself. You are the definition of "hillbilly racing". I have seen your car. I am glad I would be buslengths out in front of you. I would hate to have one of 'dem dere wheels fall off and wreck us both. Have you thought of installing a continental kit on that Mustang? You could store a jack, a spare tire, a can of fix-a-flat, a can of Dapper Dan (for the quick mullet fix), and a roll of emergency quarters (never know when you might need betting money for a race).
  10. In comparison to your thought processes, that Mustang must be slow. I believe all of CR can take that junk yard stang.
  12. How will X-mas be at prison this year? Did you get a tree?
  13. http://www.churchsigngenerator.com/makesign1.php?line1=Joseph+once+said%2C&line2=%22Lustalbert%2C+Mary+is+&line3=not+for+your+viewing+&line4=pleasure.%22
  15. http://churchsigngenerator.com/makesign2.php?line1=O%27+rly&line2=
  16. http://churchsigngenerator.com/makesign1.php?line1=He+who+go+to+bed&line2=with+itchy+butt%2C&line3=wake+up+with+smelly&line4=finger.
  17. sam, wIll you cOme ploW my sidewalks? wheN finished, the neighbors Yard twO doors Up?
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