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Everything posted by ZYUL8TR

  1. Me too. Don't forget about me. Ban me and watch the humiliation begin. graemlins/nutkick.gif
  2. Game on! Have you been part of this thread? Your biggest problem is accepting ownership for your own downfalls. Your generalized reply is always "It's not my fault, you're the one". You see, you have "The Weasel" (Hoosier Daddy) come on here to delete what was incriminating to yourself. Then you make an attempt to justify your own wrong, into a right, via hiding behind the deletion. "My gopher deleted it. Now I am safe. So noone will know how much a an idiot I am."-Anthony Green Don't start a debate and expect to win when your facts are proven false. So who will be deleting this? You, Weasel, Desperado, Chochmo, who? Knowing you were involved, what I should have done was take snapshots of the screen. Which I am doing now.
  3. You are the new squirrel. Deleting posts because your little brain can only think of pink carnations. Are you serious for deleting what was posted? Hoosier Daddy = Weasel
  4. You obviously have not been paying attention. You assume I was batting below .500. You are now 5/5 today in squirrel marks. You get squirrel mark #5. I will post a list later of those who obtained 5 squirrel marks in one day.
  5. I will go ahead and give you squirrel mark #3. You did not point out the incorrection. You pointed out my mistake without knowing how to correct it. You then fell into make-believe and noticed it AFTER I had made the correction. For this, you get squirrel mark #4.
  6. I am attempting to figure out your inconsistancy (which happens quite often). At first, you basically say you cannot view the picture and point out your findings to others. You later state you were able to see it via your own means at the original point-in-time. Which is it? Are you blind to all reality? Do you establish farce in hopes others will follow you to the beyond (then reveal, to the others, the true realism)? 2nd squirrel mark for Anthony!
  7. There you go mooch, I fixed it for you! Now the 'funny': You being the internet professional, were unable to correct the fix on your own. Had you looked in your address bar, after clicking on the link, you would have noticed a descrepency. One squirrel mark for big A.
  8. ... [ 29. September 2004, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]
  9. ... [ 29. September 2004, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]
  10. ... [ 29. September 2004, 01:14 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]
  11. Edited for your own enjoyment. [ 29. September 2004, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]
  12. ... [ 29. September 2004, 01:11 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]
  13. off topic [ 29. September 2004, 01:08 PM: Message edited by: Hoosier Daddy ]
  14. ZYUL8TR

    College Life

    They may not be able to drink-it-up like you, but at least they will be able to group words together and form complete sentences (unlike yourself). Folks, college is the most rewarding experience of your life. Not just the knowledge you gain, but also the life. Don't ruin your opportunity. Take this experience and make the best of it. Once graduated and far removed from the scene, you will certainly miss it 10 years later. Your check book may be paying your college now, later, your college will pay your check book!
  15. James needs to be doing LS1's. Lots more money to be had! Especially from the C5 owners. [ 29. September 2004, 11:02 AM: Message edited by: C5Doctor ]
  16. I will give you $500 cash TODAY.
  17. ZYUL8TR

    Friday 9/17

    Strippers! graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. ZYUL8TR

    Friday 9/17

    Come on now. Have a little confidence in your friend. Even she could carry on an intellectual conversation with Desperado.
  19. ZYUL8TR

    Friday 9/17

    Did someone say "stripper"? Yummy!
  20. I've got a DirecTV HD receiver and an RCA 52" HD monitor. We just ordered a Samsung 50" Plasma HDTV Monitor from Circuit City. Sunday Ticket puts 5-6 games each week in HD. All games on ESPN on broadcast on ESPN HD. I also have the ESPN Gameplan for DirecTV. During Buckeye away games, we watch as many as 20 college games on Saturday. There is nothing like football in HD (or anything else for that matter).
  21. STEELERS! graemlins/thumb.gif NFL Sunday Ticket! graemlins/thumb.gif
  22. Oh another whom I shall prove wrong. How ironic! Dr. Michael Torello was my psych 101 professor fall quarter during my freshman year of college at Ohio State back in 1990. I used him as a reference when I did my graduate school thesis back in 1998 while he was at Capital. I still have his contact info. I hardly doubt you are in the honors program, however. I went back and looked at the verbage, someone else supposedly used, and it matches what you are currently using. IT WAS YOU ALL ALONG!
  23. Thought you said it wasn't you that was posting? BUSTED! You are called a band-wagon debater! You need the assurance of another to prove your point, knowing that your points hold no worth.
  24. My brain hurts from scanning through this nonsense. Therefore: IGNORE!
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