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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Blah, Blah, Blah you still cant read. What did Thorne or Ty do that constituted a ban. Let alone Banning a Sponsor over some bogus shit. If there is something missing that the other side has stated was a violation then what was it. Were they banned cause they stated a opinion in what seemed like a very nice way. You said there are two sides to the story then what is the other side.
  2. All jokes aside if that is everything that was said in regards to whatever issue there was. Then COS is a joke and I hope they fail. Its hard to believe that something that simple would cause any type of ban.
  3. Got few of electrical issues worked out but still got a couple more that bother me. I am at the dealership everyday except for sunday from 9am-5 pm. And the dealership is doing great we are getting ready to move to a new location and possibly open up another dealership. The ones that are going under are the shady ones that sell complete junk. I only sell reliable stuff. My inventory might be boring but who cares i make monieezzzz!!!! Swing by if you get a chance you can check out the GTP if you stop in before 1pm today.
  4. Yes but the engine bay is not pink anymore its white with a pink spot beside the alternator cause spray can wouldnt fit there. And the pink adds a lil bit of fail to a car with a whole bunch of win....
  5. Not taking sides but yeah that made me spit Sweet Tea out
  6. Welcome to CR and I will say it again this place is MUCH more fun then Bonneville Club. Gonneville is more of a man over here (actually allowed to speak his mind) When you get a chance stop by I still got "Pinky" but i picked up a 97 GTP as well. +rep for you
  7. Drewhop


    Nice rides clean cars
  8. Our childrens service system is so fucked up i cant believe it. The worst part of this is if you go to them and explain the situation they dont care.
  9. Further proof on my whole fuck florida thing Plus Anthony you threw up the ultimate fuck you and actually moved away from there......
  10. Drewhop

    New dude.

    I like french toast
  11. Np any time thanks for clarification.
  12. I blame florida for the fucking gas prices fuck florida.....
  13. WTF is a junky crew. Stay in Florida.
  14. Im pretty sure this does not work. If i were a mod instead of locking it up for the sake of having something entertaining to read would actually move it to the kitchen.
  15. Glad to see someone sticking it to the shady side of debt collection.
  16. Drewhop

    New guy

    I almost feel cheated when Hal doesnt come in here and tell a newb to gtfo out of a thread or explain a new way of killing themselves. Welcome to CR
  17. I helped the wife throw a cover letter together today using the link Trowa provided thanks again. you got a pm Doc Thanks again any help on a thank you letter would be appreciated.
  18. - rep for still being here
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