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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Ok its been about 10 years since i had to do this so i have to say i am not good at this type of stuff. I need to help her write a cover letter for a job. I can give more details in private but why would i want to get more competition for her. I tried searching for example cover letters but i did not come up with anything that was actually helpful. Basically what does a cover letter consist of and what is the best way to tailor it to fit a specific job? Thanks for any help Andy
  2. I had to deal with the same shit its not worth it. Sell car........ I could have built a 11 second car for what i had in fixing my damn supra. But i still miss it.... It just needed a 1jz or 2jz swap and i would have been happy with it
  3. Had to bump this for the shotgun i linked here is video
  4. That would be your own insecurity telling you that you dont think you belong. Stop being a fucking puss and if you see people talking go up and introduce yourself. If you dont feel like those people want to talk to you go talk to someone else. If those people dont want to talk to you its probally because of one of the above reasons. You might be a douche
  5. That sounds right i tried to search it but i fail at searching and couldnt remember the number.
  6. I tried some rep but it said in the description "sorry you can not rep this guy his wing is to big"
  7. Man I know you got better stuff in you then that come on wtf. Im disapointed I can build a 6 second car for 10k dollars?
  8. And this is from there website http://www.lakesideguns.com/c3gallery/usas12.html Im gonna need two of those
  9. Drewhop


    Some of Yetzers vs the world of common sense stuff was pretty damn funny
  10. Basically for translation he is into Land Speed racing on his bike (aka ricer) He said he was wearing a Joe Rocket Back Slider (suit so he doesnt get as fucked up if he wrecks at 190mph) And it was 98 Degrees out when picture was taken. Then he made a joke about him being old. I am fucking scared that i understood all that shit. Or i could be completely off track and this guy is just nuts. Welcome to CR keep your head on your shoulders and you might survive the Oven
  11. Ok before i rep anyone why is this guy getting -rep other then being weird looks like he has some decent bikes and likes to go fast. http://www.ecta-lsr.com/ would be what i assume he means for Maxton LSR
  12. I wanna see video of Emo Kids getting spear tackled. Im not talking sissy hits im talking hardcore kneck snapping(not broken just bouncing around) concusion causing hits. And as Scotty said HATE HATE HATE HATE!!!!!!
  13. Crikey!! Look what we have here it is the rare Thuggish Emo Andicus!!! I didnt want to hurt the lil guy by tackling him.
  14. http://www.cadillac.com/byo/jsp/cadillac/select_style.jsp Would this be the car XLR-V at the bottom...
  15. And eating fruit rollups is cool, acting hard when buying them is not. Ok it was this guy but shaved head no glasses black eyeliner and bandana on tied in the front....
  16. This may sound strange but if you start liking the pain aspect of it be careful fighting can be addicting. If your in it to lose some weight and maybe learn a lil self defense keep it up.
  17. So I went to the store and what do i find in the checkout line. But a kid with a gawdy gold chain around his kneck. A blue bandana on (2pac Style), a white undershirt and fucking Black eyeliner. And acting like he was hard buying some fucking fruit rollups. Is the world seriously doomed to have to deal with this shit? I tried to find a picture as a reference but i think i may have found a new strain of Emo not seen yet..... If i had not been stunned but the overall stupidity of having to see this guy i should have snapped a pic with my phone.
  18. Drewhop


    Newbs are gettin lazy these days.
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