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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. That actually made me almost blow iced tea out my nose.
  2. The orange alfa that says novatec looks freaking badass to me for some reason....
  3. Now your catching on. Btw you should refer to Kirk as Doc from now on. Let him explain.
  4. Then you need to take a step back from the keyboard and take a deep breath. If necessary count backwards from ten that seems to help out people having panic attacks.
  5. Oh noes what ever will i do. I better keep my mouth shut or you might, you might........ Do nothing........ Chill Out E-thug it ain't worth it.
  6. Good luck. Get your wallet out its gonna cost ya.
  7. The true import enthusiasts on this site dont need to talk shit. They are respected. Respect is earned here not given. Let me give you a rundown on how to not be attacked. And possibly earn some respect 1. Stop talking shit go build a fast car 2. When said car is done go race it 3. Dont act like your big no one is scared 4. Enjoy life 5. Eat Pie
  8. Actually I never thought the car was hot shit. I sold it cause of the exact opposite reason. I knew that to do performance wise what i wanted it to do it was not worth it. You on the other hand have not figured that out. This is a exact quote from the people in the parking lot first time i drove my car into the little ricer lot that you frequented so much. "What kind of blow off valve does your car have" Not only did i hear this once but i heard it from 4 different people. The ONLY reason i even stopped in that lot was to talk to Dustin. I could care less what type of car someone drives. You can drop all the money in the world into that crx and its still a crx. If you can make it runs 11's i would be impressed. But a v8 running 11's is just as impressive. I do not care what someone drives unlike you. I just enjoy fast cars. Have a nice day :} Back on topic Holden owns........
  9. I wanna be on the crew that dislikes all the other crews..... You just started another crew Trowa
  10. I got money on that honda not outperforming the fastest V8 on this site EVER?
  11. Nah its fun keep on truckin.....
  12. You mean Gm cant solve all there problems by going to Holden for ideas? If gm didnt own so many different brand names they probally would have went bankrupt already.
  13. Pics of me and the family http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc238/aci777newark/AndyandI.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc238/aci777newark/Isaiah.jpg http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc238/aci777newark/Alex.jpg
  14. Learning how to safely shoot and operate a gun will become invaluable when the zombies show up. If you guys get bored in your fortress hit me up on the two way, my fortress will be up in Marion. Cornfields for miles I can see the zombies come from a distance.
  15. Holy shit that video sucked. Please lose your video camera
  16. It has External Bellhousing bolts so it is a t-5 Anyone interested?
  17. Questions to ask yourself 1. Does Your Vag Hurt? 2. Does it have sand in it? Please respond as soon as possible.
  18. This is a killer deal on a gun and supplies. Bump for still waiting for Hydrolock to call me back for paintballing in Alexandria.........
  19. I have not laughed this hard at stupid young kids acting thuggish in a while. RangerTurbo Next time your in Newark send me a PM ill buy you a lunch for making me laugh my ass off On a side note Now would be a great time for anyone else who is a hardcore thug to represent.
  20. This needs quoted again for being hilarious. ROFLMAO This thread is missing Jones saying WEEEE in it Seriously man how many times have you pulled a gun on anyone?
  21. I was a complete idiot from 17-21 ish. I am just calling this dude out on the situation being completely innocent we just want to talk to this guy.
  22. I was a repo man for six years and still repo the occosional car but i do it ninja style now. I have beaten on more doors in bad neighborhoods then probally all of this board combined. And mind you i was there to take there shit from them. Wether it be furniture there car there tv there kids bed and i was good at it. Hell i used to repo big screen TVs from Uzi Alli after dark on a friday night. The reason i state this is cause in the 30k doors i have beat on in poor broken down areas I have only had a gun pulled on me ONE TIME. The guy even apologized afterwards cause he thought i was someone else who he had DRAMA with. There was some shit going on for this dude to react like he did.
  23. How? If he truelly found a answer flood the internet with everything possible information wise about this technology. That way the government cant kill everyone. Conspiracy theorist rant done now.
  24. By details what was there a confrontation for in the first place. Ill spell it slow for you WHAT.......DID.......HE.......DO......TO.......WARRANT......A.....VISIT.....FROM....THREE.....PEOPLE....... Was he telling momma jokes? Did he call you or someone you know a bad name? Did he rape someone you know? Did he owe you money? There is a major detail missing as to why this guy was visited. And fuck a police report i know what i told them back when i used to get in trouble. I would tell them WHATEVER i needed to get out of whatever trouble i would have got into. I doubt we will know what really happened. So basically you are lucky you were not shot
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