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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Hey if no one has mentioned it. You should read the comics. I think they wrote it and had you in mind.
  2. I guess the problem I have with the situation is that. The officer should know the laws in regards to this before he even approached the legally armed citizen. The guy handled the situation better then I would have. I dont like people yelling at me when I did nothing wrong.
  3. I have pet goldfish. And I have goldfish that my other fish eat.
  4. They are pretty far away from the story line of comic at this point already.
  5. This is the fuckin truth. They will have to cut ALOT of the comic book stuff out to show this on TV lol. I think the last comic I read was comic number 82.
  6. Just a small bump. http://www.facebook.com/deadislandgame?sk=wall http://www.deadisland.com They have not added any new videos but have added a few screenshots that look amazing.
  7. Hell yeah. I need to catch up on a few of the comics as well. Might have to go to a actual comic book store.
  8. Listening to that makes me fucking sick. I seriously couldnt listen to all of it. I hate that there are police officers who choose to treat someone like that. Especially when they are in the wrong. Now just to stir the fire. At what point is the civilian legally open carrying allowed to draw his firearm in self defense? Or is he ? He was obviously being threatened but was his life in danger?
  9. You do know it is a movie right? Its not educational. Its entertainment.
  10. Kinda pissed that Kevin doesnt do reviews or graphs anymore. Might have to take the wife to see this.
  11. Cleaning your gun on your front porch is a completely legal activity and I highly recommend it. It usually clarifies any issues you may have with people in the neighborhood.
  12. It was a joke. Referencing a movie.
  13. Ammo locked up in safe with code and key. Guns easy to get too. It takes me about 20-30 seconds to get to ammo if someone breaks in house. But I sleep better knowing that my son cant get to it.
  14. Thanks. I was starting to worry. Does this make us bestest friends?
  15. I just now took a mental inventory of all the weapons in my bedroom. I am officially a creepy motherfucker. 1.Remington 870 2.Battle Axe 3.Decorative 16" dagger 4.Throwing knives (I throw them several times a week) 5.Compound bow 6.Whips and handcuffs.
  16. I am sticking with my realist idea. My floorplan allows me to defend decent enough going on the offensive would be suicide. I still want to do the battle axe thing as well. (yes there is one on my wall)
  17. Go to pet store. Buy a fogger system for a reptile. Or look up a do it yourself one.
  18. Grab Battle axe from bedroom wall. Run down hallway crashing into shit destroying small objects. Hopefully dont get shot or stabbed before I bring the pain at end of hallway. Or realistically secure my wife and son. Lock them in the bathroom with a phone and stop anyone or anything from getting past my other doors.
  19. 4 Horsemen of the Asspocolypse
  20. Honestly it is a saltwater aquarium light. It has decent reflectors if you polish the metal a lil bit. If you are serious I will take some pictures for you. Roughly 350 watts of metal halide power.
  21. I have a metal halide setup that I could sell someone. Would just need some fresh bulbs to grow all the "peppers" you want.
  22. The hay bale on fire is awesome at the end lol.
  23. Sounds like a pretty healthy relationship. Grats man.
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