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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Drewhop

    UFC 113

    I think Mitrione is a joke.
  2. Hero or Zero. You have to much training it could go both ways.
  3. The two posts above mine are the reasons CR is better.
  4. This is kinda interesting Fluid Dynamics - Water weighs about 62.4 pounds per cubic foot and typically flows downstream at 6 to 12 miles an hour. When a vehicle stalls in water, the water’s momentum is transferred to the car. For each foot the water rises, 500 pounds of lateral force are applied to the car. For each foot the water rises up the side of the car, the car displaces 1,500 pounds less for each foot the water rises. Therefore, most cars will float in just two feet of water.
  5. Drewhop

    CR sucks

    Paul iz gaty. Enuf of thius bulklshit.
  6. Brian=class act. I have referred easily 25-30 people to Brian. I have also watched him Dyno about 50 cars. Which is nothing on the scale he has done. The point is that knowing Brian since 2002-2003 I have never once watched him treat ANYONE with disrespect. Even if some of them deserved it. Keep up the good work Brian good luck on the next 10 years.
  7. Just wanted to say that they just played this commercial at 951pm during american idol.
  8. I bet it involves shooting them in the face.
  9. Now people are catching on. What he was doing is not illegal. Is the kid stupid. Quite possibly. Read the new story http://www.coshoctontribune.com/article/20100426/UPDATES01/100426008/Residents-call-McVey-a-good-kid This is his reason for the scanner....... "secretary/treasurer of Coshocton County Radio Emergency Association Communication Teams, where McVey has volunteered since June 2008. The organization assists the local sheriff’s office directing traffic at accident scenes." Hmmm around sheriffs often. Has a CCW. Hmmm He is being charged with " a misdemeanor charge of going armed in terror of the public" and discuss
  10. He was actually sitting outside the air port. Basically outside the fence watching Air Force One land on the runway. They questioned him and asked what he was doing and he said he wanted to see the president. I guess when he stood up the officer noticed he was carrying a gun. Then they heard his car and he was using a scanner to listen into police channels. Had scanner frequencies wrote down in car.
  11. He had scope formulas and a handgun.......
  12. Discuss http://www.coshoctontribune.com/article/20100426/NEWS01/304260009/Coshocton-man-arrested-outside-North-Carolina-airport-as-Obama-leaves
  13. You live in a very nice location. I lived in the country for 23 years and I miss it everyday. I live in a very secluded neighborhood in Newark. I can tell for a fact that I will not move back to Cbus with my family. Being single it was perfect location but I would not raise a kid there.
  14. Welcome back. Same CR just new people to fuck with.
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