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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. 07 rs4. Buy it. If I had the money I would have one already. /thread
  2. It was hard to see you in your full mossy oak gear but I was surprised when you actually hit the butterflies.
  3. They only showed quick glimpses of him. Surgery is pretty amazing. Glad he made a good recovery.
  4. Nice lookin. Someone needs to get some video of you racing this year.
  5. I will stop shaving my body in your tub. Sorry man.
  6. I spank Jones ass on the daily. in on page 1
  7. I am not positive they are doing damage yet. But I have a immaculate kitchen. I am talking no crumbs no mess no ditry dishes. My trash is completely sealed and taken out nightly. I have ants in my kitchen even after my OCD cleaning. I am not generally a bug killer but ants dont belong in my kitchen in large quanities. Plus they started it. Stay outside stay alive. Come inside and die.
  8. I have placed enough boric acid around my house that all bugs within a quarter mile shall perish. I have not not saw any since I placed the boric. I dont know if that is good or bad. I did read that I will need to clean everything in a two room radius after placing the boric. I guess the ants pick up pieces of it and take it back to there nest and it destroys the nest from inside out. Which can also leave residue on anything they walk on after they pick up the boric.
  9. No need to buy chemicals and mix. Guess I will just get gasoline and I need lots of fat. Human fat preferably. I am not cutting myself to get it tho. Any volunteers?
  10. Great suggestion I am thinking something along the lines of boric acid mixed with sugar and water. Should be boring but effective.
  11. The flickr link has some pretty awesome photos in it.
  12. This would be kinda neat/scary. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/pda/2010/apr/15/volcanic-ash-cloud-uk-planes Some cool pics. Took link out. Not sure why its not working. If you click on article then click on flickr it will bring up the pictures I was tryin to link. http://ow.ly/1yzP0
  13. I propose a challenge. Mazda 3 vs STI to be settled on a autocross course.
  14. Anyone ever had to deal with them. I think I may have a colony outside my house somewhere. I have not been able to locate it. Any advice.
  15. Depending on your bank. I can search my online bank records for the last 4 months. Anything after that I need to contact my bank about.
  16. This is a amazing price for this setup. I know of another setup almost identical going for double that price.
  17. Something wrong with that one. Or maybe there are a few different species. Video of someone catching one. They are interesting fish. Another video of the ones we already have in the US. People have problem with these being released. If two meet up they can breed in massive numbers. There have been several lakes chemically bombed because of these fish. http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/45488.html Nasty little fish but cant help but like there survival skills
  18. The rapping bum is legendary. He is the only bum I have ever given money to. I ran a Rent A Center on Livingston and Courtright and we had a bum we nicknamed Change Lady. She wouldnt bother people. She would sit around and compliment people all day. She would come into the store at the end of the night and ask if we needed any change for the drawer and if we did we would trade her a 10 dollar bill for 10dollars in quarters. Not once in my year of running that store did she ever ask me for money.
  19. Certified letter. Send one. Get absolute proof he is receiving your messages. I would have stopped by his place of work/house by this point. If that dont work punch him in his fucking throat.
  20. So did you go the math for 100lbs of weight reduction on 17 mpg? Even shaving 100-400 lbs is a waste of time and money. Taking the spare tire out sounds like it will cost you money when you have to have your car towed for 75-150 bucks cause you took your spare tire out and shaved 14lbs of weight off your car. I could take the change out of my center console and save 14lbs. If it needs a tune-up then it is good time to do it. If the car is not misfiring and is properly tuned you could use that money for gas. Unless you need to change plugs as often as some of our nitrous sipping brothers most plugs/wires last quite a while. I think some even claim 100k miles before first tune up. I have sold and serviced about 700 cars in the past 3 years and by no means am I a expert but I have never once had to change a fuel filter on a car that was 2000 or newer or see any increase in fuel economy by doing it. I think everything you listed is a waste of money. Especially weight reduction.
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