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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. I cant believe how many things have been quoted in this thread.
  2. This is what I carry and use daily. I love the thing. Only problem I have with it is that I have to clean the blade assist way more then I would like. It get dust in it to easy. http://sogknives.com/store/TWI-8.html It is listed at 70 but I think I got it for around 35 bucks.
  3. http://airbornecombatengineer.typepad.com/photos/weapons_firearms/shooterswheelofmisfortuneace.jpg Looks like your jerking hand might be a little to strong.
  4. Drewhop

    Happy Topic

    +rep I thought I was the only one.
  5. Drewhop

    Happy Topic

    This is a place to discuss all things that make you happy.
  6. http://images.google.com/images?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&hl=en&source=hp&q=newark%20longanberger%20basket&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi Big fucking basket.
  7. My cousin rides 4 wheelers in competitions nationally. He has one and also a cool protection box built around it so he can still ride with it on. He was not able to ride at the level he does without the box.
  8. There is no law regarding returning a car. No 3 day return policy. Unless the dealership put it in writing for you. And even then it might not hold up in court. There are ways of getting what you want but I would not start out threatening anyone. Most GM keyless entry fobs can be programmed for a few different vehicles. Your best bet is to see if they have a extra one they would be willing to program for your car. A salesman is going to tell you what you want to hear to buy a car. If it was owned by only one rental company and they are the second owner they are kind of telling you the truth that it is a one owner car. I am with Jones, but my beachfront property is better then his it only has 1/2 a owner.
  9. Monster trucks, guns nice rear-ends man I love newark.
  10. Drewhop

    Mass Effect 2

    I played for a couple hours and the game is still very story driven and has a bunch of cut scenes. I would say for every hour of shooting you are doing a hour of "other stuff". If you dont care about the story line of the game I would not suggest you play it. I will give it a play thru but I enjoyed what I have played so far. If it doesnt pick up a little bit more I might not make it to the end.
  11. Drewhop

    Mass Effect 2

    Anyone pick it up today? My bro picked it up might have to check it out tonight.
  12. Good story will read again.
  13. I am glad this is a post full of nice weapons and not a picture of your junk.
  14. I live on a freaking hill. No water for me.
  15. Ok price drop for CR. 45 for normal 55 for blizzard 80 for Snow 80 For Ball python 10 Dollar discount for backing up driveway is no longer in effect the snow is gone lol. If you buy everything I will make a even better deal and might just bring everything to you.
  16. IAT was out of range cost 11 dollars to fix the problem.
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