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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. 640lb lawn ornament. The statue looks partially buried as well. That was a strong ass deer.
  2. Before and after pictures of the interior are the way to go.
  3. http://www.unc.edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/summary.html This is a good read.
  4. FLAME FLAME FLAME Yeah thats what you get.....
  5. Big ass leaf blower. I blow everything to the edge of the road then I bag up what I feel like. I know a few lawn services have a giant truck that they can come pick up your leaves usually about 50-60 bucks per truck. My neighbor had something like 60 bags of leaves last year that he got rid of that way said 60 bags did not even fill up the truck half way.
  6. Call Angeletti Door company. It is in Newark but they seem to be the best priced around here. They have saved me a bunch of money on little things to keep my door going. (740) 345-6117
  7. I have seen a couple viruses that do crazy shit like this. I watched a virus on a friends computer download a random porn picture every 3 seconds. It was freaking insane how quick it was doing it.
  8. Best post in this thread. /thread
  9. If your wife has a I-phone as well you are so screwed
  10. Having multiple I-Devices in your home can cause problems with WOW
  11. If you are not locked into a lease I would get the fuck out. If you are locked in. Next time you hear the animals go knock on his door and ask him if he heard that noise and see how he replies.
  12. I have no idea who you are. You joined after I stopped coming out 3-5 nights a week. You also have a very good reason for not being on the site sooner. Serving our country is something I can respect. Priorities shifted dont have time to get out to meets as often as I would like. But I have been at 3 meets you have been at just didnt have a reason to talk to you cause I didnt know you. Oh and I am bored someone had to argue with you.
  13. Do you think I care about you having a party and getting drunk? You might be guilty of a little useless banter yourself. Pot?Kettle?
  14. and then? You would have a site with 20-30 members that sounds like a good idea.
  15. Sorry for your loss man.
  16. Nope not paranoid they should have knocked or rang the bell. No reason to open the screen door. I cant fuckin stand when door to door sales people do that shit. I have a fucking bell if you ring it I will hear it. When I hear my outside door open you can bet that the shotgun is getting put in ready mode.
  17. I want to see Rampage take titties out. But Marcus should be able to do it just fine. Looks like they are using the Kimbo is coming back thing again next week. Matt Mitrione got his noggin rattled pretty good in his fight.
  18. What did Zanesville do to deserve you ruining its name even worse.
  19. Yeah i just posted the link in the other thread I was going to start a new one but wasnt sure lol. here it is again http://kotaku.com/5397449/new-modern-warfare-2-trailer-spoilers-space--slim-shady
  20. Yeah just thought I would add this video is badass. The song makes the video. http://kotaku.com/5397449/new-modern-warfare-2-trailer-spoilers-space--slim-shady
  21. Big Baby Marcus Jones surprised me. I am interested in watching again.
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