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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. I think they should send Brock Lesnar thru the tunnel first. Or someone equally badass.
  2. I didnt get a chance to mess with any of your buildings. I have destroyed a few people. There was someone making 150 million a day that I completely wiped out. They quit playing about 4 days ago. No activity at all. My highest account brings in almost 400 million a day. Right now I am placing 15 million dollar houses trying to get to level 5. I want a monopoly tower.
  3. I think 33 million is highest chance card you can get at level 4 I got 2 of them a couple days ago like 3 houses apart.
  4. We have to many guns to be scared of movies like this anymore.
  5. I will watch it just cause it will bring back some cool memories.
  6. Drewhop

    Move some money

    I am in the wrong business
  7. Drewhop

    verizon wtf??

    The boulder would have been fine in the sink.
  8. Believe me I wish I could smash people everytime i see it. But I know better then to come on CR and post about it.
  9. jeep i think you will thank us this winter
  10. You can not save cards. You have one card you can use if you draw another chance card the old ones are gone.
  11. We need to turn your sarcasm detecto meter up.
  12. I cant believe threads like this still happen.
  13. any of them will work I have placed two hazards on his streets now. He only has one street left that can get rent.
  14. I just destroyed 5 bonus on a guys street if anyone wants to place some spare hazards his name is THAIBOY would be much appreciated
  15. http://science.howstuffworks.com/liquid-body-armor.htm Looks like pretty interesting stuff.
  16. I am still watching him. I will keep a eye on if it gets close to 8pm and no one attacks me I will mess him up some more.
  17. My bro has one he just replaced his old one. I dont know anything about Iphones so I will find out what his is and post up want he wants for it.
  18. I just destroyed a guy for 9t1gvr4 and I handled a guy for Doc the other day. Post up the bad guys. I have another destroy building card waiting on a account.
  19. I have five accounts. My highest is at 232,091,000 2nd highest is 170,617,000 After today my main account should have over 300 million score.
  20. Think I can mount that to the top of my jeep?
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