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Everything posted by Drewhop

  1. Those with the most fire arms win?
  2. Drewhop

    Alum Creek?

    19 dollars for fishing license.....IMO not worth the risk if ODNR does bust you. I have been shore fishing and had a couple of the ODNR guys ask for mine. They were always nice about it.
  3. I am almost positive that it depends on the option package of the vehicle. I think base/se/gt had different seats. But I could be completely wrong. There used to be a Probe forum as well but I cant remember what the name of it is.
  4. Drewhop

    Deer Season

    Licking county has ignorant deer. Which also leads to this http://www.ammoland.com/2009/02/09/ohio-wildlife-council-hears-2009-2010-deer-hunting-regulations/ I am not 100% sure that is accurate info but. I cant hunt this year so everyone should come kill these bastards in licking county. I need to get a grill guard on my jeep so I can handle driving country roads.
  5. http://english.pravda.ru/business/companies/21-09-2009/109412-kalashnikov-0 Here are some of firearms they make Izhmash owns the trademarks and designs to many of our favorite firearms including: * AK-47, AK-74, AKM, AN-94, and the AK-100 series. * Saiga rifles and shotguns. * SV-98, SV-99, and SVD Dragunov sniper rifle. * SKS If you were planning on buying any of these might wanna buy them up really quick
  6. I also hate people who give a shit what other peoples views are.
  7. I also hate this. (But stopped staying after. Pay me or get the fuck out is my motto) I hate shady lawyers.(Not all are shady) I hate politically correct terms. I hate leaves.
  8. Drewhop

    new old guy!

    That car looks familiar. Hmmm
  9. Its big maybe it pwned you?
  10. Was doing some surfing and came across this. Some people may have read it others maybe not. Figured I would post up just in case. http://www.equipped.com/multiservice_ser_manual_1999.pdf
  11. There is a process to have misdameanors removed thru expungement. My wife had a one removed from when she was 18.
  12. Soon as the servers stop being slow I will handle him and post a message. I am a walking gang on my own. As of now I have destroyed two players both who attacked me first. One will have to make another account if he wants to play..... Oh btw a update they changed the rate of rental income on larger streets strategies may need to be changed.
  13. Here is the conversation. Me-"Kids see that bear" Kids-"Awww how cute" Me-"No he eats faces" Kids-"What?" Me-"Nom Nom style" Fantastic photo. My honeymoon in hocking hills couple years ago the couple that owned the property told us to watch out for bears. We heard some large rustling in the woods but it was dark so could not see anything. Guess there is a good chance for a bear.
  14. I have a friend who is a ranger that son of a bitch is crazy. Good luck Adam stay safe and thank you.
  15. I just destroyed some guy who attacked me. He now has no functional streets and only 19k in his bank. If he has a destroy card by chance or a bonus building i will destroy and place again. That will stop him from messing with my attack accounts again. My main account is set to gain 15 million tomorrow. Game is kinda fun.
  16. It is called tactical defense....
  17. Yeah if anyone finds me I have a couple extra accounts that I have a hazard and bombs waiting for them. Multiple accounts ftw.
  18. I would say you spent about 2.5 mill on that lil street.
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